
Research Articles

papers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 | theses | conferences | proceedings | lectures | seminars

Direct measurement of coherent light proportion from a practical laser source. Xi Jie Yeo, Eva Ernst, Alvin Leow, Jaesuk Hwang, Lijiong Shen, Christian Kurtsiefer, Peng Kian Tan, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013706, (2024).

Fano Resonance in Excitation Spectroscopy and Cooling of an Optically Trapped Single Atom. Chang Hoong Chow, Boon Long Ng, Vindhiya Prakash, Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023154 (2024).

Low Noise Near-Concentric Optical Cavity Design. Florentin Adam, Wen Xin Chiew, Adrian Nugraha Utama, Christian Kurtsiefer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 043102 (2024)

Practical Range Sensing with Thermal Light. Peng Kian Tan, Xi Jie Yeo, Alvin Zhen Wei Leow, Lijiong Shen, and Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 014060 (2023).


Observation of the Mollow Triplet from an optically confined single atom. Boon Long Ng, Chang Hoong Chow, Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys. Rev. A 106, 063719 (2022).

Distributing Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with High Rate over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber. Lijiong Shen, Chang Hoong Chow, Justin Yu Xiang Peh, Xi Jie Yeo, Peng Kian Tan, Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys.Rev. Applied 18, 044075 (2022).

Countering detector manipulation attacks in quantum communication through detector self-testing. Lijiong Shen, Christian Kurtsiefer, arXiv:2204.06155 [quant-ph]

Absolute clock synchronization with a single time-correlated photon pair source over 10km. Jianwei Lee, Lijiong Shen, Adrian Nugraha Utama, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 30, 18530-18538 (2022).


Fibre polarization state compensation in entanglement-based quantum key distribution. Yicheng Shi, Hou Shun Poh, Alexander Ling, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 29, 37075-37080 (2021).

Coupling Light to Higher Order Transverse Modes of a Near-Concentric Optical Cavity. Adrian Nugraha Utama, Chang Hoong Chow, Chi Huan Nguyen, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 29, 8130-8141 (2021).

Coherence of a dynamically decoupled single neutral atom. Chang Hoong Chow, Boon Long Ng, Christian Kurtsiefer. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 621-629 (2021).

A wide-range wavelength-tunable photon-pair source for characterizing single-photon detectors. Lijiong Shen, Jianwei Lee, Antony Winata Hartanto, Pengkian Tan, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 29, 3415-3424 (2021).


Stable Polarization Entanglement based Quantum Key Distribution over Metropolitan Fibre Network. Yicheng Shi, Soe Moe Thar, Hou Shun Poh, James A. Grieve, Christian Kurtsiefer, Alexander Ling. Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 124002 (2020).

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons with a Resonant Cavity. Mathias A. Seidler, Xi Jie Yeo, Alessandro Cerè, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 183603 (2020).

A Hands-On Quantum Cryptography Workshop For Pre-University Students. Adrian Nugraha Utama, Lee Jianwei, Mathias Alexander Seidler. American Journal of Physics 88, 1094 (2020) or arXiv:1911.02565 [physics.ed-ph]


Asymmetric delay attack on an entanglement-based bidirectional clock synchronization protocol. Jianwei Lee, Lijiong Shen, Alessandro Cerè, James Troupe, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 141101 (2019).

Characterizing nonlocal dispersion compensation in deployed telecommunications fiber. James A. Grieve, Yicheng Shi, Hou Shun Poh, Christian Kurtsiefer, Alexander Ling. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 131106 (2019).

Symmetrical clock synchronization with time-correlated photon pairs. Jianwei Lee, Lijiong Shen, Alessandro Cerè, James Troupe, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 101102 (2019).

Transmission spectroscopy of a single atom in the presence of tensor light shifts. Matthias Steiner, Yue-Sum Chin, Christian Kurtsiefer. New Journal of Physics 21, 023012 (2019).


Upper bound on the duration of quantum jumps. Mathias A. Seidler, Ricardo Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, Alessandro Cerè, Rocío Jáuregui, Christian Kurtsiefer. arXiv:1812.00129 [quant-ph].

Multi-pulse fitting of Transition Edge Sensor signals from a near-infrared continuous-wave source. Jianwei Lee, Lijiong Shen, Alessandro Cerè, Thomas Gerrits, Adriana E. Lita, Sae Woo Nam, Christian Kurtsiefer. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 123108 (2018).

Operating a near-concentric cavity at the last stable resonance. Chi Huan Nguyen, Adrian Nugraha Utama, Nick Lewty, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 98, 063833 (2018).

Characterization of a photon pair source based on a cold atomic ensemble using a cascade level scheme. Alessandro Cerè, Bharath Srivathsan, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Brenda Chng, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 98, 023835 (2018).

Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down conversion. Lijiong Shen, Jianwei Lee, Le Phuc Thinh, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Alessandro Cerè, Antia Lamas-Linares, Adriana Lita, Thomas Gerrits, Sae Woo Nam, Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 150402 (2018).


Breakdown flash at telecom wavelengths in InGaAs avalanche photodiodes. Yicheng Shi, Janet Zheng Jie Lim, Hou Shun Poh, Peng Kian Tan, Peiyu Amelia Tan, Alexander Ling, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 25, 30388-30394 (2017).

Polarization gradient cooling of single atoms in optical dipole traps. Yue-Sum Chin, Matthias Steiner, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 96, 033406 (2017).

Single atoms coupled to a near-concentric cavity. Chi Huan Nguyen, Adrian Nugraha Utama, Nick Lewty, Kadir Durak, Gleb Maslennikov, Stanislav Straupe, Matthias Steiner, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 96, 031802(R) (2017).

Nonlinear photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopy. Yue-Sum Chin, Matthias Steiner, Christian Kurtsiefer. Nature Communications 8, 1200 (2017).

Experimental many-pairs nonlocality. Hou Shun Poh, Alessandro Cerè, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Yu Cai, Nicolas Sangouard, Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 96, 022101 (2017).

Characterization of very narrow spectral lines with temporal intensity interferometry. Peng Kian Tan and Christian Kurtsiefer. MNRAS 469, 1617-1621 (2017).

Quantifying the role of thermal motion in free-space light-atom interaction. Yue-Sum Chin, Matthias Steiner, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 95, 043809 (2017).

Photon bandwidth dependence of light-matter interaction. Matthias Steiner, Victor Leong, Mathias Alexander Seidler, Alessandro Cerè, Christian Kurtsiefer. Optics Express 25, 6294 (2017).


Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom. Victor Leong, Mathias Alexander Seidler, Matthias Steiner, Alessandro Cerè, Christian Kurtsiefer. Nature Communications 7, 13716 (2016).

Probing quantum-classical boundary with compression software. Hou Shun Poh, Marcin Markiewicz, Paweł Kurzyński, Alessandro Cerè, Dagomir Kaszlikowski, Christian Kurtsiefer. New J. Phys. 18, 035011 (2016).

Random numbers from vacuum fluctuations. Yicheng Shi, Brenda Chng, Christian Kurtsiefer. Applied Physics Letters 109, 041101 (2016).

Optical Intensity Interferometry through Atmospheric Turbulence. Peng Kian Tan, Aik Hui Chan, Christian Kurtsiefer. MNRAS 457, 4291-4295 (2016).


Approaching Tsirelson's bound in a photon pair experiment. Hou Shun Poh, Siddarth K. Joshi, Alessandro Cerè, Adán Cabello, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 180408 (2015).

Polarization entanglement and quantum beats of photon pairs from four-wave mixing in a cold Rb-87 ensemble. Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Bharath Srivathsan, Brenda Chng, Alessandro Cerè, Christian Kurtsiefer. New Journal of Physics 17, 093034 (2015).

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between triggered and heralded single photons from separate atomic systems. Victor Leong, Sandoko Kosen, Bharath Srivathsan, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Alessandro Cerè, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 91, 063829 (2015).


Reversing the temporal envelope of a heralded single photon using a cavity. Bharath Srivathsan, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Alessandro Cerè, Brenda Chng, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 163601 (2014).

Diffraction-limited Fabry-Perot Cavity in the Near Concentric Regime. Kadir Durak, Chi Huan Nguyen, Victor Leong, Stanislav Straupe, Christian Kurtsiefer. New Journal of Physics 16, 103002 (2014).

Measuring Temporal Photon Bunching in Blackbody Radiation. Peng Kian Tan, Guang Hui Yeo, Hou Shun Poh, Aik Hui Chan, Christian Kurtsiefer. Astrophysics Journal Letters 789, L10 (2014).

Generation of an exponentially rising single-photon field from parametric conversion in atoms. Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Bharath Srivathsan, Brenda Chng, Alessandro Cerè, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 90, 033819 (2014).

A universal setup for active control of a single-photon detector. Qin Liu, Antía Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer, Johannes Skaar, Vadim Makarov, Ilja Gerhardt. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 013108 (2014).


Narrow Band Source of Transform-Limited Photon Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in a Cold Atomic Ensemble. Bharath Srivathsan, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Chng Mei Yuen Brenda, Gleb Maslennikov, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 123602 (2013).

Excitation of a single atom with exponentially rising light pulses. Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Gleb Maslennikov, Yimin Wang, Dao Hoang Lan, Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103001 (2013).


Experimental implementation of bit commitment in the noisy-storage model. Huei Ying Nelly Ng, Siddarth Koduru Joshi, Chen Ming Chia, Christian Kurtsiefer, Stephanie Wehner. Nature Communications 3, 1326 (2012).

Preparation of an Exponentially Rising Optical Pulse for Efficient Excitation of Single Atoms in Free Space. Hoang Lan Dao, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Gleb Maslennikov, Christian Kurtsiefer. Rev. Sci. Instr. 83, 083104 (2012).


Experimentally faking the violation of Bell's inequalities. Ilja Gerhardt, Qin Liu, Antia Lamas-Linares, Johannes Skaar, Valerio Scarani, Vadim Makarov, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 170404 (2011).

Full-field implementation of a perfect eavesdropper on a quantum cryptography system. Ilja Gerhardt, Qin Liu, Antia Lamas-Linares, Johannes Skaar, Christian Kurtsiefer, Vadim Makarov. Nature Communications, 2, 349 (2011).

Interaction of light with a single atom in the strong focusing regime. Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Brenda Chng, Martin Paesold, Gleb Maslennikov, and Christian Kurtsiefer. J. Mod. Opt. 58, 299-305 (2011).

Sagnac-loop phase shifter with polarization-independent operation. Tien Tjuen Ng, Darwin Gosal, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 013106 (2011).

Detection of Single Molecules Illuminated by a Light-Emitting Diode. Ilja Gerhardt, Lijian Mai, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Sensors 11, 905-916 (2011).


High speed optical quantum random number generation. Martin Fürst, Henning Weier, Sebastian Nauerth, Davide G. Marangon, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter. Optics Express 18, 13029-13037 (2010).


The black paper of quantum cryptography: real implementation problems. Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer. arXiv:0906.4547. After a swift five years, the editorial process finally converged, and it appeared as: Theoretical Computer Science 560, 27-32 (2014). (

Eliminating Spectral Distinguishability in Ultrafast Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion. Hou Shun Poh, Jiaqing Lim, Ivan Marcikic, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 80,043815 (2009).

Phase shift of a weak coherent beam induced by a single atom. Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Meng Khoon Tey, Brenda Chng, Timothy Liew, Gleb Maslennikov, Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 153601 (2009).

Clock synchronization by remote detection of correlated photon pairs. Caleb Ho, Antia Lamas-Linares, and Christian Kurtsiefer. New Journal of Physics 11, 045011 (2009).

Daylight operation of a free space, entanglement-based quantum key distribution system. Matthew P. Peloso, Ilja Gerhardt, Caleb Ho, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer. New Journal of Physics 11, 045007 (2009).

Interfacing light and single atoms with a lens. Meng Khoon Tey, Gleb Maslennikov, Timothy C.H. Liew, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Florian Huber, Brenda Chng, Zilong Chen, Valerio Scarani, Christian Kurtsiefer, New Journal of Physics 11, 043011 (2009).


Accuracy of minimal and optimal qubit tomography for finite-length experiments. Alexander Ling, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer (2008).

Wigner tomography of two qubit states and quantum cryptography. Thomas Durt, Christian Kurtsiefer, Antia Lamas-Linares, Alexander Ling, Phys. Rev. A 78, 040001 (2008).

Experimental quantum key distribution based on a Bell test. Alexander Ling, Mattew P. Peloso, Ivan Marcikic, Valerio Scarani, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Physical Review A 78, 020301 (R) (2008).

Strong interaction between light and a single trapped atom without the need for a cavity. Meng Khoon Tey, Zilong Chen, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Brenda Chng, Florian Huber, Gleb Maslennikov and Christian Kurtsiefer, Nature Physics 4, 924-927 (2008).

Absolute emission of spontaneous parametric down conversion into single transverse Gaussian modes. Alexander Ling, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043834 (2008).

Testing quantum correlations versus single-particle properties within Leggett's model and beyond. Cyril Branciard, Nicolas Brunner, Nicolas Gisin, Antia Lamas-Linares, Alexander Ling, Christian Kurtsiefer and Valerio Scarani, Nature Physics 4, 681-685 (2008). (earlier version: arXiv:0801:2241)

Experimental demonstration of a quantum protocol for Byzantine agreement and liar detection. Sasha Gaertner, Mohammed Bourennane, Christian Kurtsiefer, Adan Cabello and Harald Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 070504 (2008).


Experimental Falsification of Leggett's non-Local Variable Model. Cyril Branciard, Alexander Ling, Nicolas Gisin, Christian Kurtsiefer, Antia Lamas-Linares and Valerio Scarani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210407 (2007).

An atom and a photon. J. Volz, M. Weber, D. Schlenk, W. Rosenfeld, C. Kurtsiefer and H. Weinfurter, Laser Physics 17, 1007 (2007).

Breaking a quantum key distribution system through a timing side channel. Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer, Opt. Express 15, 9388 (2007).

Experimental demonstration of four-party quantum secret sharing. Sasha Gaertner, Christian Kurtsiefer, Mohammed Bourennane, Harald Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett 98, 020503 (2007).

Joint Spectrum Mapping of Polarization Entanglement in Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion. Hou Shun Poh, Chune Yang Lum, Ivan Marcikic, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer, Phys. Rev. A 75, 043816 (2007).


Free-space quantum key distribution with entangled photons. Ivan Marcikic, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Applied Physics Letters 89, 101122 (2006).

Experimental quantum secret sharing. Christian Schmid, Pavel Trojek, Sascha Gaertner, Mohamed Bourennane, Christian Kurtsiefer, Marek Zukowski, and Harald Weinfurter, Fortschr. Phys. 54, 831-839 (2006).

Experimental Polarization State Tomography using Optimal Polarimeters. Alex Ling, Soh Kee Pang, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Phys. Rev. A 74, 022309 (2006).

Preparation of Bell States with Controlled White Noise. Alex Ling, Peng Yuan Han, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer. Laser Physics 16, 1140 (2006).

Observation of Entanglement of a Single Photon with a Trapped Atom. Volz, M. Weber, D. Schlenk, W. Rosenfeld, J. Vrana, K. Saucke, C. Kurtsiefer, and H. Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 030404 (2006).

An Optimal Photon Counting Polarimeter. Alex Ling, Soh Kee Pang, Antia Lamas-Linares, Christian Kurtsiefer, Journal of Modern Optics 53, 1523 (2006).

Complete Deterministic Linear Optics Bell State Analysis. Carsten Schuck, Gerhard Huber, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 190501 (2006).

Entanglement Persistency of Multiphoton Entangled States. M. Bourennane, M. Eibl, S. Gaertner, N. Kiesel, Ch. Kurtsiefer, and H. Weinfurter:, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 100502 (2006).

Experimental noise resistant Bell inequality violations for polarization-entangled photons. Fabio A. Bovino, Giuseppe Castagnoli, Adan Cabello, Antia Lamas-Linares. Phys. Rev. A 73, 062110 (2006).

Analysis of a single-atom dipole trap. Markus Weber, Juergen Volz, Karen Saucke, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Harald Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. A 73, 043406 (2006).

Single photon emission from SiV centres in diamond produced by ion implantation. C. Wang, Ch. Kurtsiefer, H. Weinfurter and B. Burchard, J. Phys. B 39, 37-41 (2006).


Fast and compact multichannel photon coincidence unit for quantum information processing. S. Gaertner, H. Weinfurter, and Ch. Kurtsiefer: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 123108 (2005).

Bell's inequalities with realistic noise for polarization-entangled photons. Adan Cabello, Alvaro Feito, Antia Lamas-Linares, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052112 (2005).

Experimental Single Qubit Quantum Secret Sharing. C. Schmid, P. Trojek, M. Bourennane, Ch. Kurtsiefer, M. Zukowski, and H. Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 230505 (2005).

More articles

For a complete list of research publications from the wider Quantum Information group please visit the federation page.


papers | theses | conferences | proceedings | lectures | seminars


Vacuum Rabi splitting in a compact near-concentric cavity. Florentin ADAM (PhD thesis).

Characterization of Elongated Rubidium-87 Atomic Cloud in a Dark Spontaneous-force Optical Trap. Kenneth KOH Chee Hong (Honours thesis).

Detection of Radially Asymmetric Point Light Sources. LIANG Zhengxin (Honours thesis).

Towards Atom-Photon Entanglement. XU Zifang (Honours thesis).

Frequency Offset Locking of Narrow Band Laser. Chen Shen (Masters thesis).


Infrared Detection of Ethylene Using a Thermal Camera. LEE Rui Kai, LIN Qiyu, Xavier ONG Zi Xi (SPS independent science project).

Control and manipulation of single atoms for interfacing with light. CHOW Chang Hoong (PhD thesis).


Progress towards realizing an Atom-Light Interface with a blue-detuned tweezer array. Ng Boon Long (PhD thesis).

An Optical Router for Quantum Communication. LI Jiaqi (Masters thesis).

Towards Seismic Detection with Fibre Sensing. Miguel García Alonso (UROPS report).


Analysis and Improvement of Bandwidth of the Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy. Kenneth KOH (UROPS report).

Polarization-Entangled Quantum Key Distribution over Telecommunication Fibres. SHI Yicheng (PhD thesis).

Fibre Sensing. TAY Wei Yau, Thormund (Honours Thesis).

Stabilization of Near-Concentric High-Finesse Optical Cavity. CHIEW Wen Xin (Honours Thesis).

Towards a superconducting microbridge single photon detector. KOH Ming Zhi, Darren (Honours Thesis).

Towards producing Photon Triplets via Six-wave Mixing in Rubidium-87. Rittik Mitra (Honours Thesis, ESP).

Seismic Sensing with Deployed Optical Fibers. Thomas Subak (UROPS report).


Near-Concentric Optical Resonator for Coherent Atom-Photon Interaction". Adrian Nugraha UTAMA (PhD thesis).

Characterisation of silicon photomultiplier. Hillson Hung (UROPS project).

Environmental Sensing in Existing Fiber Networks. Muhammad Nazri Bin Nordin (Honours Thesis).

Synthetic Aperture Imaging in the Optical Domain. YAP Jun Yan (Honors Thesis).

A narrowband photon pair source for quantum communication applications". PEH Yu Xiang, Justin (Honours Thesis).


Passive Stabilisation of Optical Cavity Mounted on 3D Piezo Scanner. CHEN Jia Pern, Neville (Honours Thesis).

Evolution of the Onset of Coherence in a Diode Laser. Alvin LEOW (Honours Thesis).

Characterization of Single-Photon Detectors with Tightly Time-Correlated Photon Pairs. Antony Winata HARTANTO (UROPS report).


Randomness Extraction and Clock Synchronization with Continuous Parametric Down-Conversion. LEE Jianwei (PhD thesis).

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons. YEO Xi Jie (Honours Thesis).

Wavefront Engineering to Manipulate Atom-Light Interaction. KEW Wai Marn (Honours Thesis).

Solar Correlation Spectroscopy. Kelly TAN (Honours Thesis).

Randomness Extraction from Detection Loophole-Free Bell Violation with Continuous Parametric Down-Conversion. SHEN Lijiong (PhD thesis).


Single Photon Detection At Telecom Wavelength. LIM Zheng Jie (Master thesis).

Wavefront engineering to enhance atom-light interaction. CHOW Chang Hoong (Master thesis).

Single Atoms Coupled to a Near-Concentric Cavity. NGUYEN Chi Huan (PhD thesis).

Light-atom coupling with 4Pi Microscopy. CHIN Yue Sum (PhD thesis)

Active Polarization Control for Optical Fibers. TAN Jyh Harng (Honors thesis)

Towards Random Number Generation with Stellar Light. HO Kim Hung (Honors thesis)

Wavefront engineering to enhance atom-light interaction. CHOW Chang Hoong (Honors thesis)

Towards Correlated Triplets from Six-Wave Mixing. NG Boon Long (Honors thesis)


Wavefront engineering for manipulating light-atom interactions YEO Xi Jie (UROPS report)


Interfacing a Single Atom with Single Photons. Victor LEONG (PhD thesis)

Elongated Cloud of Cold Rb-87 Atoms: Towards a Brighter Source of Narrowbard Photon Pairs Adrian Nugraha UTAMA (Honours thesis)

Characterization of Single Photon Avalanche Detectors LIM Zheng Jie, Janet (Honours thesis)

Stellar Temporal Intensity Interferometry TAN Peng Kian (Ph.D thesis)

Ultra-fast Quantum Random Number Generator. SHI Yicheng (Master thesis)


Testing the Quantum-Classical Boundary and Dimensionality of Quantum Systems. POH Hou Shun (PhD thesis 2015)

Narrowband Photon Pairs from a Cold Atomic Vapour for Interfacing With a Single Atom. Gurpreet Kaur GULATI (PhD thesis 2015)

Heralded Single Photons for Efficient Interaction with Single Atoms. Bharath SRIVATHSAN (PhD thesis 2015)


A Diffraction Limited Fabry-Perot Cavity with a Strongly Focused Mode. Kadir DURAK (PhD thesis 2014)

Entangled Photon Pairs: Efficient Generation And Detection, And Bit Commitment. Siddarth Koduru JOSHI (PhD thesis 2014) [lower resolution version]

Quantum Interference between Single Photons from a Single Atom and a Cold Atomic Ensemble. Sandoko KOSEN (Master thesis 2014)

Photon Statistics of Celestial Light Sources. YEO Guang Hui, Timothy (Honours thesis 2014)

Pulsed excitation of a Single Atom. Sandoko KOSEN (Honours thesis 2014)


Experimental Implementation of Higher Dimensional Entanglement. NG Tien Tjuen (Master thesis 2013)

Towards magnetometry with Nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. CHIN Yue Sum Wilson (Honours thesis 2013)

Fast random number generator based on quantum uncertainty. SHI Yicheng (Honours thesis 2013)


Interaction of a Strongly Focused Light Beam with Single Atoms. Syed Abdullah ALJUNID (Ph.D thesis 2012)

Precision Spectroscopy of Excited States in Rubidium. CHIN Chii Tarng (Honours thesis 2012)

Precise frequency filtering in Hanbury-Brown & Twiss experiments. HAN Wei Ding (Honours thesis 2012)


Towards a Loophole-Free Bell's inequality Experiment. LIN Yi Cheng Kelvin (Honours thesis 2011)

Clock Synchronisazion by remote detection of correlated photon pairs. HO Tianyo Basil Caleb (Master thesis 2011).


Towards resolved-sideband Raman cooling of a single Rb-87 atom in a FORT. LEE Jianwei (Master thesis 2010).


Towards a high quality polarization-entangled multi-photon source. POH Hou Shun (Master thesis 2009).

Daylight operation of a free-space, entanglement-based quantum key distribution system. Matthew P. Peloso (Masters thesis 2009).

Single photon generation from a single molecule at room temperature. Mai Lijian (Honours thesis 2009).

Interfacing light and a single quantum system with a lens. Tey Meng Khoon (PhD thesis 2009).


Entangled state preparation for optical quantum communication. Alexander Ling (PhD thesis 2008).


A fast polarization independent phase shifter for light. Ng Tien Tjuen (Honours thesis 06/07).

Towards a high quality 4-photon source. Lim Jiaqin (Honours thesis 06/07).

A narrow-band source for polarization-entangled photon pairs. Arpan Roy (Honours thesis 06/07).

Towards quantum key distribution in daylight. Caleb Ho (Honours thesis 06/07).


Optical Autocorrelation using Non-Linearity in a Simple Photodiode. Syed Abdullah Aljunid (Honours thesis 2006).

Efficient polarization measurement for quantum cryptography. Soo Kee Pang (Honours thesis 05/06).


Experiments with Multi-Photon states. Poh Hou Shun (Honours thesis 04/05).

Wong Ming Liang (Honours thesis 04/05).

Characterization of Entangled Photons via a Bell's Inequality. Peng Yun Han (Honours Thesis 04/05).

Foo Pei Yih (Honours thesis 2004).

Conference contributions

papers | theses | conferences 2023 2022 2021 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006| proceedings | lectures | seminars

Building Blocks for Atom-Photon Interfaces, CLEO-PR 2024, Incheon, Korea [CLEO-PR24]. Invited talk Mo3C-2 by C. Kurtsiefer, 4-9 Aug 2024.

Fano spectroscopy and EIT based cooling of a neutral atom in an optical trap, ICAP28 -The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics 2024, London, UK [ICAP28]. Poster B029 by V. Prakash, 14-19 July 2024.

Towards Stellar Temporal Intensity Interferometry, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Yokohama, Japan [SPIE A+T+I]. Talk by P.K. Tan, 16-21 Jun 2024.

Direct measurement of pseudothermal light violating Siegert relation, -- --SPIE: Astronomical Telescopes + Insturmentation, Yokohama, Japan [SPIE-ATI]. Poster 13103-130 by X.J. Yeo, 16-21 June 2024.

Direct measurement of coherent light proportion from a laser source without spectral filtering, CLEO: Laser Science to Photonics Applications 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA [CLEO24]. Poster JTu2A.14 by X.J. Yeo, 5-10 May 2024.

Four Photon states from atomic vapors?, xqp25 event, Bad Aibling, Germany [xpq25]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 1-3 April 2024.

Direct measurement of coherent light proportion from a laser source without spectral filtering, DPG Spring Meeting, Freiburg, Germany [DPG24]. Talk Q6.8 by X.J. Yeo, 10-15 March 2024.

Direct measurement of pseudothermal light violating Siegert relation, DPG Spring Meeting, Freiburg, Germany [DPG24]. Poster Q23.24 by X.J. Yeo, 10-15 March 2024.

Experimental Quantum Randomness - One Practical and One Not so Practical Approach, WE-Heraeus-Seminar806: Physics and Security – from Random Numbers to Secure Communication, Bad Honnef, Germany [WEH806]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 5-8 March 2024.

Optical Ranging using Thermal Light, APS Meeting, Minneapolis, USA [APSmarch]. Booth + Demo by P.K. Tan, 4-7 March 2024.


Observation of Vacuum-Rabi Splitting in a Compact Stable Near-Concentric Cavity, Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics 2023, Okinawa, Japan [CQD2023]. Poster by Florentin Adam, 25 Sept - 6 Oct 2023.

Light source characterisation using interferometric photon correlations, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Talk T16.109 by Xi Jie Yeo, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Practical Demonstration of Polarization-Entanglement Quantum Key Distribution over Standard Telecommunication Fiber, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.153 by Justin Yu Xiang Pe, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Method to detect a signal of an obstruction within shot noise, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.114 by Zhengxin Liang, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Clock Synchronization using Thermal Correlations without External Frequency Standards, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.67 by Justin Yu Xiang Pe, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Cooling Optically Trapped Single Atoms with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.65 by Chang Hoong Chow, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Observation of vacuum Rabi splitting in a compact stable near-concentric cavity, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.55 by Wen Xin Chiew, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Towards correlated photon triplets using six-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.32 by Yifan Li, 27-29 Sept 2023.

All-Transparent Optical Routers for a Quantum Network Embedded in a Classical Optical Fibre Network, IPS meeting 2023, Singapore [IPS23]. Poster PO.28 by Hou Shun Poh, 27-29 Sept 2023.

Dark-Field Mode Separation of a Thermal Point Source, SPIE Security + Defence, Amsterdam, Netherlands [SPIE S+D]. Talk by P.K. Tan, 3-6 September 2023.

Dark-Field Mode Separation of a Thermal Point Source, Asia-Pacific Regional International Astronomical Union Meeting, Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan [APRIM23]. Poster by P.K. Tan 7-11 August 2023.

Distributing High Rate of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, Germany [CLEO_EQEC 23]. Poster EB-P.11 by L. Shen / J. Peh, 26-29 June 2023.

Countering detector manipulation attacks in quantum communication through detector self-testing, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, Germany [CLEO_EQEC 23]. Poster EB-P.4 by L. Shen / C. Kurtsiefer, 26-29 June 2023.

Observation of the Mollow Triplet from an optically confined single atom, Munich, Germany [CLEO_EQEC 23]. Poster EA-P.3 by B.L. Ng, 26-29 June 2023.

Towards correlated photon triplets using six-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble, 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , Spokane, USA [DAMOP 2023]. Poster N01.00041 by Li Yifan, 5-9 June 2023.

Lightweight stable near-concentric cavity design, 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Spokane, USA [DAMOP 2023]. Talk U10.00001 by Florentin Adam, 5-9 June 2023.

Observation of Mollow Triplet from optically confined single atom, DAMOP meeting 2023, Spokane, WA [DAMOP 2023]. Talk S02.00007 by Chang Hoong Chow, 5–9 June 2023.

Single-Aperture Intensity and Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, Stellar Intensity Interferometry Workshop, Columbus, Ohio, USA [SII23], invited plenary talk by P.K. Tan, 22-24 May 2023.

Dark-Field Mode Separation of a Thermal Point Source, Protostars and Planets VII, Kyoto, Japan [PP-VII]. poster by P.K. Tan, 10-15 April 2023.

Advances in Quantum Key Distribution QKD Security, PQC-Update @ Fraunhofer /AISEC 2023, Garching, Germany [PCQ Update 2023], keynote by C. Kurtsiefer, 27-28 Feb 2023.


Entanglement distribution for QKD over telecom fiber, Quantum Innovation 2022 [Tokyo/online]. Invited talk CC-01-05 by C. Kurtsiefer, 28-30 November 2022.

Quantum Communication and Practical QKD Security, Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity from Hype to Reality-Steps to Quantum Threat Resilience for Business and Society, organized by SG Innovate and Fraunhofer Singapore [link]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 28 November 2022.

Observation of Mollow Triplet from optically confined single atom, IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore [IPS2022]. Talk T8.46 by Boon Long Ng, 28-30 September 2022.

Distributing Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with High Rate over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber, IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore [IPS2022]. Talk T16.59 by Justin Yu Xiang Peh, 28-30 September 2022.

Seismic Sensing with Optical Fibres, IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore [IPS2022]. Poster PO.83 by Thormund Tay et al., 28-30 September 2022.

Lightweight Stable Near-Concentric Optical Cavity, IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore [IPS2022]. Poster PO.68 by Florentin Adam et al., 28-30 September 2022.

Distributing Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with High Rate over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber, ECOC 2022, Basel, Switzerland [ECOC2022]. Talk Th1G.4 by Chang Hoong Chow, 18-22 Sept 2022.

Countering Detector Manipulation Attacks in Quantum Communication through Detector Self-testing, ECOC 2022, Basel, Switzerland [ECOC2022]. Talk Th1G.1 by Christian Kurtsiefer, 18-22 Sept 2022.

Characterising the Onset of Lasing Using Interferometric Photon Correlations, ECOC 2022, Basel, Switzerland [ECOC2022]. Poster We5.17 by Xi Jie Yeo, 18-22 Sept 2022.

Countering Detector Manipulation Attacks in Quantum Communication through Detector Self-testing, 12th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Taipei, Taiwan [QCrypt2022]. Poster 65 by Justin Yu Xiang Peh, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 2022.

Distributing Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with High Rate over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber, 12th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Taipei, Taiwan [QCrypt2022]. Poster 64 by Justin Yu Xiang Peh, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 2022.

Quantum Sensing in Astronomy, International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly XXXI, Busan, South Korea, [IAUGA2022]. Invited Talk by Peng Kian Tan, 2 - 11 August 2022.

Quantum communication in urban networks and single photon engineering, Workshop on Entanglement Assisted Communication Networks, Bad Honnef, Germay/online [EACN 2022]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, 3-6 Feb 2022.


Coupling Light to Higher Order Transverse Modes of a Near-Concentric Optical Cavity, IPS Meeting 2021, Singapore [IPS 2021]. Talk T9.24 by Chang Hoong Chow, 30 Sept-1 Oct, 2021.

Superconducting single photon detectors for quantum photonics, IPS Meeting 2021, Singapore [IPS 2021]. Talk T13.131 by C. Soci, 30 Sept-1 Oct, 2021.

Countermeasure against the Detector-Blinding Attack in Quantum Key Distribution, IPS Meeting 2021, Singapore [IPS 2021]. Invited talk T8.76 by Lijiong Shen, 30 Sept-1 Oct, 2021.

Quantum Lidar using Stationary Broadband Light, SPIE Security + Defence, Madrid/online [SPIE2021 S+D]. Contributed talk by P.K. Tan, Zoom, 13-17 September 2021.

Quantum Communication in Urban Networks and Single Photon Engineering, IAS CQT Inaugural Workshop [IAS/CQT]. Invited presentation by Christian Kurtsiefer, 27 August 2021.

A wide-range wavelength-tunable photon-pair source for characterizing single-photon detectors, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2021, San Diego/online [SPIE2021]. Talk #118060R by Lijiong Shen et al., 1-5 August 2021.

Quantum Sensing using Thermal Photon Bunching, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego/online [SPIE2021]. Invited talk by P.K. Tan, Zoom, 1-5 August 2021.

Spectral compression of narrowband single photons with a resonant cavity, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, online [EQEC2021]. Talk EA-5.5 by Xi Jie YEO et al., 21-25 June 2021.

Coherence of a dynamically decoupled single neutral atom, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, online [EQEC2021]. Poster EA-P.6 by Boon Long NG et al., 21-25 June 2021.

Optical Ranging with Subthreshold Laser, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, online [EQEC2021]. Poster EB-P.5 by P.K. Tan, 21-25 June 2021.

Coupling light to higher order transverse modes of a near-concentric optical cavity, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, online [EQEC2021]. Poster EB-P.28 by Chang Hoong CHOW et al., 21-25 June 2021

Temporal Intensity Interferometry, Optical SETI Workshop, UC Berkeley/online [OSETI2021]. Invited talk by P.K. Tan, 11-13 May 2021.

Stable Polarisation Entanglement based Quantum Key Distribution over a deployed Metropolitan Fiber, SupercomputingAsia 2021, Singapore [SCA2021]. Virtual talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 2-4 March 2021.


Coherence of a dynamically decoupled single neutral atom, IPS Meeting 2020 - Reloaded, Singapore [IPS 2020]. Online Poster PO.107 by Chang Hoong CHOW, Boon Long NG, C. Kurtsiefer, 21-23 Dec 2020.

Contactless characterization of superconducting films, IPS Meeting 2020 - Reloaded, Singapore [IPS 2020]. Online Poster PO.45 by Lijiong Shen et al., 21-23 Dec 2020.

Bidirectional clock synchronization with a single photon pairsource, IPS Meeting 2020 - Reloaded, Singapore [IPS 2020]. Invited talk T0.23 by Jianwei Lee, 21-23 Dec 2020.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photon, The Global Undergraduate Summit, online [UA]. Talk by YEO Xi Jie, 16 to 18 Nov 2020.

Temporal Intensity Interferometry, NASA TechnoClimes, online [TechnoClimes]. Talk by Peng Kian Tan, 3-7 Aug 2020

Stable Polarization Entanglement based Quantum Key Distribution over Metropolitan Fibre Network, CLEO2020 Virtual Conference, online [CLEO2020]. Talk ATu3S.5 by Shi Yicheng, 12 May 2020.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photon, International Workshop for Young Researchers on the Future of Quantum Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan [FQST2020]. Poster by YEO Xi Jie, 3 to 6 Feb 2020.


Dynamical decoupling with single atoms for efficient light-atom interaction, Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics 2019, Okinawa, Japan [CQD2019]. Poster by C.H. Chow et al., 24 Sept-3 Oct 2019.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons, DPG Fall Meeting 2019, Freiburg, Germany [DPG-FM2019]. Talk FM32.7 by Xi Jie Yeo et al., 23 - 27 Sept 2019.

Remote clock synchronization with entangled photon pairs, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2019, San Diego, USA [SPIE19]. Invited talk #11091-29 by J.Lee / C. Kurtsiefer, 11-15 August 2019.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons, International Conference on Quantum & Nonlinear Optics 2019, Selangor, Malaysia [QNO 2019]. Talk by Xi Jie Yeo et al., 22 -25 July 2019.

Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down-conversion, International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand [ICOLS2019]. Poster PO.42 by Lijiong Shen et al., 8-12 July 2019.

Upper Bound on the Duration of Quantum Jumps, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, Munich, Germany [EQEC2019]. Talk EA4.3 by C. Kurtsiefer, 23 – 27 June 2019.

Multi-Pulse Fitting of Transition Edge Sensor Signals from a Near-Infrared Continuous-Wave Source. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, Munich, Germany [EQEC2019]. Poster JSIV-P.2 by J. Lee, 23 – 27 June 2019.

Symmetrical Clock Synchronization with Time-Correlated Photon Pairs. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019, Munich, Germany [EQEC2019]. Talk JSV-1.5 by J. Lee, 23 – 27 June 2019.

Temporal Intensity Interferometry,Cherenkov Telescope Array 1st Science Symposium, Bologna, Italy [CTA Symposium]. Poster presentation by P.K. Tan, 6-9 May 2019.

Symmetrical Clock Synchronization with Time-Correlated Photon Pairs, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California [CLEO-SI 2019]. Talk FM4C.8 by J.Lee, 5–10 May 2019.

Upper Bound on the Duration of Quantum Jumps, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California [CLEO-SI 2019]. Poster JTu2A.24 by M. Seidler et al., 5–10 May 2019.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons with a Near Resonant Cavity, CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California [CLEO-SI 2019]. Talk FM2A.3 by M. Seidler et al., 5–10 May 2019.

Temporal Intensity Interferometry, Satellite meeting to the Breakthrough Discuss event, UC Berkeley, USA [Breakthrough Discuss]. Invited talk by P.K. Tan, 10-12 April 2019.

Upper Bound on the Duration of Quantum Jumps. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore [IPS 2019]. Invited Talk T10.125 by M. Seidler et al., 13-15 March 2019.

Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons with a NearResonant Cavity. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore [IPS 2019]. Talk T7.33 by Xi Jie Yeo et al., 13-15 March 2019.

Hands On Quantum Cryptography Session for Pre-University Students. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore [IPS 2019]. Poster PO.85 by Adrian Nugraha Utama et al., 13-15 March 2019.

Designing a Quantum Cryptography Workshop for Junior CollegeStudents. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore [IPS 2019]. Talk T4.84 by Adrian Nugraha Utama, Jianwei Lee, and Mathias Seidler, 13-15 March 2019.

Symmetrical clock synchronization with time-correlated photon pairs. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore [IPS 2019]. Talk T4.6 by J. Lee et al., 13-15 March 2019.


Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down conversion, 11th Italian Quantum Information Science conference, Catania, Italy [IQIS18]. Talk by Cerè, 17-20 September 2018.

Solar Temporal Photon Bunching, XLVIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2018), NTU IAS, Singapore [IAS 2018]. Talk by P.K. Tan, 3-7 September 2018.

Randomness extraction from CHSH violation without fair sampling assumptions with a continuous wave source, 8th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, Shanghai, China [QCrypt2018]. Talk by Lijiong Shen et al., 27–31 August 2018.

Randomness generation from a CHSH violations of entangled photon pairs without a fair sampling assumption, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2018, San Diego, USA [SPIE18]. Invited talk #10733-26 by C. Kurtsiefer, 19-23 August 2018.

Multi-pulse fitting of Transition Edge Sensor signals from a near-infrared continuous-wave source, Summer School on Experimental Quantum Computation 2018, Bensaque, Spain [2018EQC]. Poster by J. Lee, 10-21 June 2018.

Nonlinear photon-atom coupling in free space, 25th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Mallorca, Spain [CEWQO]. Talk by M. Steiner, 21-25 May 2018.

Randomness Extraction From CHSH Violation Without Fair Sampling Assumptions With A Continuous Wave Source, CLEO 2018, San Jose, CA [CLEO 2018]. Talk FTh1H.5 by Alessandro Cerè, 13-18 May 2018.

Nonlinear photon-atom coupling in free space, SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, [SPIE]. Talk by M.Steiner, 22-26 April 2018.

Randomness extraction from CHSH violation without fair sampling assumptions with a continuous wave source, International Conference on challenges in Quantum Information Science, Tokyo [CQIS2018]. Talk by A. Cerè, 9-11 April 2018.

Breakdown flash at telecom wavelengths in InGaAs avalanche photodiodes, International Conference on challenges in Quantum Information Science, Tokyo [CQIS2018]. Poster P.23 by J.Z.J. Lim et al., 9-11 April 2018.

Nonlinear Atom-Photon coupling in free space, International Conference on challenges in Quantum Information Science, Tokyo [CQIS2018]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 9-11 April 2018.

Single atoms coupled to near-concentric cavity, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore [IPS 2018]. Poster PO.19 by C.H. Nguyen et al., 7-9 March 2018.

Photon triplets from a cold atomic ensemble, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore [IPS 2018]. Poster PO.77 by M. Seidler et al., 7-9 March 2018.

Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down-conversion source, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore [IPS 2018]. Talk T6.78 by Lijiong Shen et al., 7-9 March 2018.

Strong photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopy, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore [IPS 2018]. Invited Talk T10.2 by Y.-S. Chin, 7-9 March 2018.

Secure Quantum Clock Synchronization, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore [IPS 2018]. Talk T17.87 by Jianwei Lee, 7-9 March 2018.

Solar Temporal Photon Bunching, Imaging of Stellar Surfaces 2018, ESO Garching, Germany [ESO 2018]. Talk by P.K. Tan, 5-9 March 2018.

Atom-light interaction in thestrong focusing regime, WE-Heraeus Seminar 662: Quantum Networks, Bad Honnef, Germany [QANET]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 5-7 Feb 2018.


Strong photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopy, 3rd International Conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists, Erlangen Germany [YQIS17]. Talk by Y.-S. Chin, 3-6 October 2017.

Strong light scattering by an atom illuminated from two sides, Italian Quantum Information Science Conference 2017, Florence, Italy [IQIS17]. Talk by M. Steiner, 12-15 September 2017.

Preparation of single photon states with rising exponential shape, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017, San Diego, USA [SPIE17]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, B. Srivathsan, G. Gulati, M. Seidler and A. Cerè, 6-10 August 2017.

Photon number and timing resolution of a near-infrared continuous-wave source with a transition-edge sensor, Single Photon Workshop 2017, University of Colorado, Boulder [SPW 2017]. Poster by L. Shen, July 31 - 4 August, 2017.

Photon number and timing resolution of a near-infrared continuous-wave source with a transition-edge sensor, CLEO Pacific Rim Conference 2017, Singapore [CLEO-PR 2017]. Poster P2-015 by J.W. Lee, 31 July-4, August 2017.

Random numbers from vacuum fluctuations, CLEO Pacific Rim 2017, Singapore [CLEO-PR 2017]. Talk 2-2O-5 by Y.Shi, 31 July-4, August 2017.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom, Young Atom Opticians Conference 2017, Paris, France [YAO 2017]. Talk by M. Seidler, 13-18 July 2017.

Random numbers from vacuum fluctuations, 24th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, DTU Lyngby, Denmark [CWQQO'17]. Poster P142 by Y. Shi, 26-30 June 2017.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom, CLEO/Europe-EQEC17, Munich, Germany [EQEC 2017]. Talk EA3.3 by M. Steiner, V. Leong, M.A. Seidler , A. Cere , and C. Kurtsiefer, 25-29 June 2017.

Lineshape splitting with single atoms in concentric cavities, CLEO/Europe-EQEC17, Munich, Germany [EQEC 2017]. Talk PD 2.3 by C.H. Nguyen, 25-29 June 2017.

Single Atoms in Nearly Concentric Cavity, DAMOP meeting 2017, Sacramento, CA [DAMOP 2017], Poster D1.00090 by A.N. Utama et al., 5-9 June 2017.

The role of thermal motion in free-space light-atom interaction, DAMOP meeting 2017, Sacramento, CA [DAMOP 2017], Talk T7.00006 by Y.-S. Chin, 5-9 June 2017.

Time-resolved scattering of a single photon by a single atom, Optical Nanofibre Applications 2017, Okinawa, Japan [ONNA2017], Poster by A. Cerè, 4-8 June 2017.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom, Quantum 2017, Torino, Italy [Quantum 2017], Talk by A. Cerè, 7-13 May 2017.

A light-atom interface based on a high numerical aperture lens, DPG Meeting 2017, Mainz, Germany [DPG Mainz], Talk Q42.2 by M.Steiner, 6-10 March 2017.

The role of thermal motion in free-space light-atom interaction, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore [IPS 2017] Talk T15.143 by Y. S. Chin, 22-24 Feb 2017.

Characterization of a photon pair source based on a cascade decay in a cold atomic ensemble, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore [IPS 2017] Talk T15.141 by M. Seidler, 22-24 Feb 2017.

Photon number and timing resolution of a near-infrared continuous-wave source with a transition edge sensor, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore [IPS 2017] Talk T15.42 by J. Lee, 22-24 Feb 2017.

Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a nearly concentric optical cavity, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore [IPS 2017] Poster PO.62 by A.N. Utama, 22-24 Feb 2017.


Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom Italian Quantum Information Science Conference 2016 Rome [IQUIS2016] Talk by A. Cerè, 20-23 Sep 2016.

Random numbers from vacuum fluctuation International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC) 2016 Singapore [QCMC 2016] Poster by Y. Shi, 4-8 July 2016.

Exploring the Limits of Non-Locality with Pairs of Photons International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC) 2016 Singapore [QCMC 2016] Poster by H.S. Poh, 4-8 July 2016.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC) 2016 Singapore [QCMC 2016] Talk by A. Cerè, 4-8 July 2016.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom CLEO 2016 San Jose, USA [CLEO 2016] Talk FM3C.8 by M. Steiner, 5-10 June 2016.

Quantum random numbers from vacuum fluctuations, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.12 by Y. Shi, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Optical Intensity Interferometry through Atmospheric Turbulence, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.39 by P.K. Tan, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Elongated cloud of cold 87Rb for higher optical density, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.62 by A.N. Utama, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Towards an efficient light-atom interface in free space, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.75 by Y.S. Chin, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Transition-edge sensor and signal discrimination optimisation for quantum optics experiments, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.123 by J. Lee, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Fast polarization switch and polarization entangled photon pair source optimization for quantum optics experiments, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Poster PO.124 by L. Shen, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom, IPS Meeting 2016, Singapore [IPS 2016] Talk T9.55 by V. Leong, 7-8 Mar 2016.

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom, DPG 2016, Hannover, Germany [DPG 2016 ] Talk A26.1 by V. Leong, 29 Feb - 4 Mar 2016.


Experimental Techniques for Strong Interaction between Photons and Atoms, 15th Asian Quantum Information Science conference, KIAS, Seoul [AQUIS'15]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 24-30 August 2015.

Bell tests with Entangled Photons - what is left? 15th Asian Quantum Information Science conference (Satellite workshop), KIAS, Seoul [AQUIS'15]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 24-30 August 2015.

Controlling the interference of single photons emitted by independent atomic sources SPIE-Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XIII, Sand Diego, USA [SPIE-QCQI XIII]. Invited talk by , 9-13 August 2015.

Shaping single photons for efficient absorption, International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy 2015, Singapore [ICOLS 2015]. Poster Tue-54 by Mathias Alexander Seidler, 30 June 2015.

Probing Quantum-Classical Boundary With Compression Software, EQEC 2015, Munich, Germany [CLEO/Europe 2015]. Talk EA.1.4 by H.S Poh, 21-25 June 2015.

Strong Atom-Light Interaction in Near-Concentric Optical Resonators, EQEC 2015, Munich, Germany [CLEO/Europe 2015]. Poster EC.P.5 by H. Nguyen and N. Lewty, 21-25 June 2015.

Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Between Triggered And Heralded Single Photons From Separate Atomic Systems, EQEC 2015, Munich, Germany [CLEO/Europe 2015]. Talk EC.2.2 by A. Cerè, 21-25 June 2015.

Reversing the Temporal Envelope of a Heralded Single Photon using a Cavity, EQEC 2015, Munich, Germany [CLEO/Europe 2015]. Talk EA.6.2 by C. Kurtsiefer, 21-25 June 2015.

Temporal shaping of narrow-band optical photons for interaction with atoms, Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità 2015, Ascona, Switzerland [NCCR "Quantum Systems and Technology"]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 7-12 June 2015.

Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Between Triggered And Heralderd Single Photons From Seperate Atomic Systems, DAMOP 2015, Ohio, USA [DAMOP2015]. Talk J7.5 by V. Leong, 8-12 June 2015.

Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Between Triggered And Heralded Single Photons From Separate Atomic Systems, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Talk by V. Leong, Mar 2015

Narrowband Photon Pairs from a Cold Atomic Vapour for Interfacing with a Single Atom, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Talk by G.K. Gulati, Mar 2015

Towards a Loophole-free Violation of Bell's Inequality, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Talk by J. Lee, Mar 2015

Solid-state Magnetometry with Single Nitrogen-vacancy Centres, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Talk by Y.S. Chin, Mar 2015

Reversing the Temporal Envelope of a Heralded Single Photon Using a Cavity, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Talk by B. Srivathsan, Mar 2015

Fast Quantum Random Number Generator, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Poster by Y. Shi, Mar 2015

Shaping Single Photons for Efficient Absorption, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Poster by M. Seidler, Mar 2015

Probing Quantum-Classical Boundary With Compression Software, IPS meeting 2015, Singapore [IPS2015]. Poster by H.S. Poh, Mar 2015

Measuring Temporal Photon Bunching in Blackbody Radiation, 7th Hope Meeting by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan [7th HOPE Meeting]. Poster by P.K. Tan, 1-5 March 2015.


Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Between Photons from a single atom and an atomic ensemble, QCMC 2014, Hefei, China [QCMC2014]. Poster by A. Cerè, Nov 2014.

Measuring Solar Temporal Photon Bunching, Visualizing the Universe, ArtScience Museum Singapore [Conversations]. Invited talk by P.K. Tan, 6 September 2014.

Reversing the temporal envelope of a heralded single photon using a cavity, ICAP 2014, Washington DC, USA [ICAP2014]. Poster by B. Srivathsan, Aug 2014.

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between photons from a single atom and an atomic ensemble, ICAP 2014, Washington DC, USA [ICAP2014]. Poster by V. Leong, Aug 2014.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble, Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons Turin, Italy [Quantum 2014]. Talk by A. Cerè, 25-30 May 2014.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy. Invited talk by A. Cerè, 06 Jun 2014.

Measuring Temporal Photon Bunching in Blackbody Radiation Workshop on Hanbury-Brown and Twiss Interferometry: Prospects for Astrophysics and Quantum Optics Salle NEF, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nice, France [HBT2014]. Contributed talk by P.K. Tan, 12-13 May 2014.

Counterintuitive temporal shape of single photons Institute of Physics meeting Singapore [IPS2014]. Talk by G.K Gulati, 26-28 Feb 2014.

Experimental Estimation of the Dimension Witness of Quantum Systems IPS Meeting 2014 Singapore [IPS2014]. Poster P19 by H.S. Poh et al., February 2014.

Towards Hong-Ou-Mandel Inteference of Single Photons from Two Different Atomic Systems Institute of Physics Meeting 2014 Singapore [IPS2014]. Talk. 26-28 Feb 2014.

Measuring Solar Photon Bunching IPS Meeting 2014 NUS, Singapore [IPS2014]. Invited talk by P.K. Tan, 26-28 February 2014.


Atom-light interaction with strongly focused fields Conference on Resonator QED 2013 Munich, Germany [CCQED]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 9-13 Sept 2013.

Toward the generation Of Bell certified randomness using photons, Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control 2013 Toronto, Canada [CQIQC-V]. Talk by A. Cerè, 9-13 Sept 2013.

Toward The Generation Of Bell Certified Randomness Using Photons Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control V Toronto, Canada [CQIQC-V]. Talk by A. Cerè, 12-16 August 2013.

Luz cuántica a partir de átomos fríos Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Invited talk by A.Cerè, 01 Aug 2013.

Toward the generation of Bell certified randomness using photons, 3rd international conference on quantum cryptography Waterloo, Canada [QCrypt 2013]. Poster by A. Cerè, 5-9 August 2013.

Hacia la generación de aleatoriedad certificada usando desigualdades de Bell, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Invited talk by A.Cerè, 29 Jul 2013.

Toward the generation of Bell Certified randomness using photons and Narrowband correlated photon pairs via four wave mixing in a cold atoms ensemble, Centre for Quantum Technologies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Invited talk by A. Cerè, 28 Jun 2013.

Towards a loophole free Bell test Conference on Lasers an Electro-Optics 2013 San Jose, USA [CLEO2013]. Talk QM1C.2 by S.K. Joshi, 9-14 June 2013.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. Conference on Lasers an Electro-Optics 2013 San Jose, USA [CLEO2013]. Talk QTh1L.6 by G.K. Gulati, 9-14 June 2013.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. 2nd J'doc Atomes Froids Peyresq, France [JDAF2013]. Poster by B. Chng et. al., 2-5 June 2013.

Excitation of a single atom with temporaly shaped light pulses. 8th Klyshko seminar Moscow, Russia [D. N. Klyshko Workshop]. Talk by G. Maslennikov (invited), 20-23 May 2013.

Correlated and entangled narrowband photons for interaction with atomic systems. Asia Pacific workshop on Quantum Information Science Tokyo, Japan [APWQIS2013]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer (invited), 21-23 May 2013.

Excitation of a single atom with a temporally shaped light pulses CLEO/Europe-IQEC Conference Munich, Germany [CLEO-IQEC2013]. Talk IA-4.5 by V. Leong, 12-16 May 2013.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. CLEO/Europe-IQEC Conference Munich, Germany [CLEO-IQEC2013]. Talk IA-6.3 by B. Srivathsan, 12-16 May 2013.

An Optical Cavity with a Strong Focusing Mode. 3rd International Advances in Apllied Physics & Material Science Congress Antalya, Turkey [APMAS 2013]. Poster by K. Durak, 24-28 April 2013.

Coupling single Photons to single Atoms. Coherent Control of Complex Quantum Systems Okinawa, Japan [C3QS2013]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer (invited), 14-17 April 2013.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. IPS meeting 2013, SPMS @ NTU, Singapore [IPS 2013]. Talk by G.K. Gulati, 4-6 March 2013.

Towards a Loophole free Bell test. IPS meeting 2013, SPMS @ NTU, Singapore [IPS 2013]. Talk by S.K. Joshi, March 2013.

Precision Stellar Intensity Interferometry. Very High Time and Space Resolution Astrophysics, University of Padua, Italy [Asiago Winter School]. Talk by P.K. Tan. Feb 2013


Null Stellar Intensity Interferometry. International Astronomical Union 28th General Assembly 2012, Beijing, China [IAU2012]. Poster by P.K. Tan et al., 20-31 August 2012.

Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Vienna, Austria [QCMC2012]. Poster by G.K. Gulati, 30 July - 3 August 2012

Excitation of single atom with temporally shaped light pulses. ICAP2012, Paris, France [ICAP2012]. Poster Tu-136 by S.A. Aljunid et al., July 2012.

Narrowband Source of Correlated Photon Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in Atomic Vapour. ICAP2012, Paris, France [ICAP2012]. Poster Th-114 by B. Srivathsan et al., July 2012.

Null Stellar Intensity Interferometry. NASA Sagan Exoplanet Workshop 2012, Caltech, Pasadena, USA [SAGAN2012]. Poster by P.K. Tan et al., July 2012.

Interaction of focused light with single trapped atoms. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlagen, Germany [MPL]. Talk by G. Maslennikov, 17 July 2012.

Excitation of a single atom with a temporally shaped light pulses QTRF-6 – Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations - 6, Linnaeus University, Sweden [QTRF-6]. Invited talk by G. Maslennikov, 12 June 2012.

Excitation of a single atom with a temporaly shaped light pulses. DAMOP 2012, Anaheim, US [DAMOP12]. Talk 7.3 by V. Leong, June 2012.

Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. DAMOP 2012, Anaheim, US [DAMOP12]. Poster D1.96 by S.A. Aljunid et al., June 2012.

Narrowband Source of Correlated Photon Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in Atomic Vapour. DAMOP 2012, Anaheim, US [DAMOP12]. Poster K1.73 by B. Srivathsan et al., June 2012.

Excitation of a single atom with temporally shaped light pulses. DPG Meeting 2012, Stuttgart, Germany [DPG 2012]. Talk Q61.1 by S.A. Aljunid, March 2012.

Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. DPG Meeting 2012, Stuttgart, Germany [DPG 2012]. Poster Q35.66 by S.A. Aljunid et al., March 2012.

Narrowband Source of Correlated Photon Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in Atomic Vapour. DPG Meeting 2012, Stuttgart, Germany [DPG 2012]. Poster Q35.75 by B. Srivathsan et al., March 2012.

Probing Planck Time. IPS meeting 2012, Singapore [IPS2012]. Poster P1.21 by P.K. Tan et al., February 2012.

Excitation of a single atom with a temporaly shaped light pulses. IPS meeting 2012, Singapore [IPS2012]. Talk T8.5 by S.A. Aljunid, February 2012.

Narrowband Source of Correlated Photon Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in Atomic Vapour. IPS meeting 2012, Singapore [IPS2012]. Poster P1.7 by B. Srivathsan et al., February 2012.

Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. IPS meeting 2012, Singapore [IPS2012]. Poster P1.5 by V. Leong et al., February 2012.

Effcient, Narrowband PPKTP Source for Polarization Entangled Photons. IPS meeting 2012, Singapore [IPS2012]. Poster P1.2 by S. Joshi et al., February 2012.


Efficient, Narrowband PPKTP Source for Polarization Entangled Photons. IEEE Photonics Summer Tpoicals, Montreal, Canada [Summer Topicals 2011]. Talk by S. Joshi, July 2011

Interaction of single atoms with strongly focused light beams. VII Klyshko seminar, Moscow State University. Invited talk by G. Maslennikov, May 2011.

Atom-light interface in strong focusing geometry. CLEO/Europe-EQEC2011, Munich, Germany [EQEC2011]. Talk EA9.2 by G. Maslennikov, May 2011.

Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. CLEO/Europe-EQEC2011, Munich, Germany [EQEC2011]. Poster EC.P4 by S.A. Aljunid et al., May 2011.

Narrowband PPKTP Source for Polarization Entangled Photons. CLEO/Europe-EQEC2011, Munich, Germany [EQEC2011]. Poster CD.P24 by S. Joshi et al., May 2011.

Full Eavesdropping on a practical QKD system. Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics [CLEO2011]. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, May 2011.

Single atom-photon interfaces with strongly focused optical modes. DPG Spring meeting 2011, Dresden, Germany [DPG2011]. Talk Q11.2 by G. Maslennikov, March 2011.

An optical cavity with a strongly focused mode. DPG Spring meeting 2011, Dresden, Germany [DPG2011]. Poster Q15.78 by K. Durak et al., March 2011.

Optimal pulse shaping for excitation of single atoms in free-space. DPG Spring meeting 2011, Dresden, Germany [DPG2011]. Poster Q23.56 by Dao H.L. et al., March 2011.

Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. DPG Spring meeting 2011, Dresden, Germany [DPG2011]. Poster Q57.54 by S.A. Aljunid et al., March 2011.

Narrowband PPKTP Source for Entangled Polarization Photons. IPS meeting 2011, Singapore [IPS meeting]. Poster by S. Joshi et al., February 2011

Optimizing Pair Collection Efficiency in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion. IPS meeting 2011, Singapore [IPS meeting]. Poster by H.S. Poh et al., February 2011

Implementation of an attack scheme on a practical QKD system. Workshop on Quantum Information Processing, Sentosa, Singapore [QIP2011]. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, January 2011.


Towards a highly efficient and spectrally bright PPKTP source of photon pairs. Alliance for Quantum Academia Congress 2010, Singapore [AQUA 2010]. Talk by S. K. Joshi, December 2010.

Interaction of Photons with Single Atoms - a complementary approach to cavity QED. Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communications, Tokyo, Japan [UQCC2010]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, October 2010.

Interaction of light with a single atom in the strong focusing regime. 10th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science, Tokyo, Japan [AQIS 2010]. Poster by S.A. Aljunid, August 2010.

Substantial interaction between an single atom and a focused light beam. DAMOP Meeting 2010, Houston, Tx, USA [DAMOP2010]. Talk X6.3 by Gleb Maslennikov, May 2010.

Towards Raman Cooling of a Single Atom in a Tightly Focused Optical Tweezer. DAMOP Meeting 2010, Houston, Tx, USA [DAMOP2010]. Poster E1.130 by Jianwei Lee at al., May 2010.

Towards a bright and efficient PPKTP photon pair source. 5th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, Leeds, UK [TQC2010]. Poster 6 by S. Joshi et al., April 2010.

Implementation of an attack scheme on a practical QKD system. DAMOP Meeting 2010, Houston, Tx, USA [DAMOP2010]. Talk B6.3 by Antia Lamas-Linares, May 2010.

Substantial interaction between a single atom and a focused light beam. DPG Spring Meeting 2010, Hannover, Germany [DPG2010]. Invited talk by Gleb Maslennikov, March 2010.

Implementation of an attack scheme on a practical QKD system. DPG Spring Meeting 2010, Hannover, Germany [DPG2010]. Talk Q56.5 by Christian Kurtsiefer, March 2010.

Substantial scattering of photons by a Single Atom. Mini workshop on Photonics, ICFO Castelldefels, Spain [ICFO]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, Jan 2010

Implementation of an attack scheme on a practical QKD system. Workshop on Cryptography from Storage Imperfections, IQI Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA [WCSI 2010]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, March 2010.


Implementation of an attack scheme on a practical QKD system. Int. Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology, NII Tokyo, Japan [ICQIT2009]. Invited talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, December 2009.

Substantial scattering of photons by a Single Atom. Single Photon Workshop 2009, NIST Boulder, CO, USA. [SPW09]. Invited talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, November 2009.

How we eavesdropped 100% of a quantum cryptographic key. Hacking at Random, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [HAR2009]. Talk and Demonstration by Ilja Gerhardt, August 2009.

How to break quantum cryptography. DEFCON17, Las Vegas, NV, USA. [DEFCON]. Exhibition Poster, August 2009.

What is Bell's Inequality. DEFCON17, Las Vegas, NV, USA. [DEFCON]. Exhibition Poster, August 2009.

A Phase shift of a weak coherent beam by a single atom. Workshop on Laser Physics 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [LPHYS'09]. Invited talk by Gleb Maslennikov, July 2009.

Substantial scattering of a Weak Coherent Beam by a Single Atom. EQEC09-CLEO/Europe, Munich, Germany. [CLEO/Europe] Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, June 2009.

Entanglement-Based Free Space Quantum Cryptography in Full Daylight. CLEO/IQEC09, Baltimore, MD, USA. [CLEO09]. Talk by Ilja Gerhardt, June 2009.

A Phase shift of a weak coherent beam by a single atom. CLEO/IQEC09, Baltimore, MD, USA. [CLEO09]. Talk by Talk by Syed Abdullah Aljunid, June 2009.

Measuring Atomic Oscillator strengths by single atom spectroscopy. CLEO/IQEC09, Baltimore, MD, USA. [CLEO09]. Poster by Lee JianWei, June 2009.

Phase shift of a weak coherent beam by a single atom. DAMOP 2009, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. [DAMOP 2009]. Talk by Syed Abdullah Aljunid, May 2009.

Entanglement-based Free Space Quantum Cryptography in Daylight. DAMOP 2009, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. [DAMOP 2009]. Talk by Antia Lamas-Linares, May 2009.

Interfacing light and single atoms with a lens. OPTO/SPIE Photonics West 2009, San Jose, USA. Invited talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, January 2009.


Status of R&D on Quantum Communication and related research in Singapore. Updating quantum cryptography 2008, Tokio, Japan. [UQC 2008]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, December 2008.

Interfacing light and a single atom with a lens. 4th APCQIS, Cairns, Australia. [APCQIS 2008]. Poster, July 2008.

From Bell to Leggett and back again. 4th APCQIS, Cairns, Australia. [APCQIS 2008]. Talk by Antia Lamas-Linares, July 2008.

What can you do with photonic qubits. LASPHYS 2008, Trondheim, Norway. [LASPHYS'08]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, July 2008.

Interfacing light and single atom with a lens. LASPHYS 2008, Trondheim, Norway. [LASPHYS'08]. Talk by Gleb Maslennikov, July 2008.

Strong Interaction Between Light and a Single Trapped Atom Without a Cavity. DAMOP 2008, State College, Pennsilvanya, USA. [DAMOP 2008]. Talk by Tey Meng Khoon, May 2008.

Strong interaction between light and single trapped atom without a cavity. CLEO/QELS 2008, San Jose, USA. [CLEO 2008]. Talk by Gleb Maslennikov, May 2008.

Absolute rate of SPDC into single transverse Gaussian modes. CLEO/QELS 2008, San Jose, USA. [CLEO 2008]. Talk by Antia Lamas-Linares, May 2008.

Practical quantum cryptography and possible attacks. Googletechtalks, Google campus. Talk by Alex Ling, January 2008.

Device independent quantum key distribution. Photonics West: Advanced Optical Concepts in Quantum Computing, Memory and Communication, San Jose, USA. Poster, January 2008.


Practical quantum cryptography and possible attacks. Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany. [24C3]. Talk by Alex Ling, Ilja Gerhardt, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer, December 2007.

Aspects of Practical Quantum Key Distribution Schemes. 6th International conference on cryptology and network security (CANS), Singapore. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, December 2007.

Experimental falsification of Leggett's model and device independent QKD. Quantum Information Processing and Computation, Barcelona, Spain. [QIPC 2007]. Talk by Antia Lamas-Linares, October 2007.

Extinction of light by a single trapped atom. Photons, Atoms and Qubits 2007, London, UK. [PAQ 2007]. Poster, September 2007.

Experimental setup for direct measurement of a single atom optical absorption cross-section. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Seoul, Korea. [CLEO-PR 2007]. Poster, August 2007.

A polarization-independent fast light switch. Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, Seoul, Korea. [CLEO-PR 2007]. Poster, August 2007.

Free-space distribution of entangled photons in daylight conditions. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Seoul, Korea. [CLEO-PR 2007]. Talk by Antia Lamas-Linares, August 2007.

Spying on a quantum key distribution system through a timing side channel. Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution, Waterloo, Canada. [Tropical QKD]. Poster, June 2007.

Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Polarization Entangled Photons. Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution, Waterloo, Canada. [Tropical QKD]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, June 2007.

Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Polarization Entangled Photons. Annual meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of APS, Calgary, Canada [DAMOP 2007]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, June 2007.

Joint spectrum mapping of polarization entanglement in parametric down-conversion. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, US [CLEO/QELS 2007]. Talk by Hou Shun Poh, May 2007.


Free-space quantum key distribution using polarization-entangled photons. International Conference on Quantum Communication Measurement and Computing, Tsukuba, Japan [QCMC2006]. Talk by Christian Kurtsiefer, December 2006.

Joint Spectrum Mapping of Polarization Entanglement in Parametric Down Conversion. International Conference on Quantum Communication Measurement and Computing, Tsukuba, Japan [QCMC2006]. Poster, December 2006.

Optimal State Estimation Experiments for Photon Polarization. SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, US. [SPIE O&P 2006]. Talk by Alex Ling, August 2006.

Experimental polarization state tomography using photon counting polarimeters. Alexander Ling, Kee Pang Soh, Antia Lamas-Linares and Christian Kurtsiefer, Proceedings of SPIE v. 6305, August 2006.


Quantum key distribution over large distances using entangled photon pairs. International Quantum Electronics Conference and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Tokio, Japan. [IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005]. Talk by Ivan Marcikic, July 2005.

Preparation of Bell states with controlled white noise. International Quantum Electronics Conference and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Tokio, Japan. [IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005]. Talk by Alex Ling, July 2005.


Direct measurement of pseudothermal light violating Siegert relation. X.J. Yeo, J. Peh, D. Koh, M.Z. Qing, J. Hwang, P.K. Tan, C. Kurtsiefer, Proc. SPIE 13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI; 1310326 (2024).

Dark-field separation of optical modes in a thermal point source. S.Y. Foo, M.Z. Koh, X.J. Yeo, J. Hwang, C. Kurtsiefer, P.K. Tan, Proc. SPIE 12740, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence VIII, 127400A (2023).

Quantum lidar using stationary broadband light. P.K. Tan, X.J. Yeo, L. Shen, C. Kurtsiefer, Proc. SPIE 11868, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence VI, 1186807 (2021).

Quantum sensing using thermal photon bunching. P.K. Tan, X.J. Yeo, L. Shen, C. Kurtsiefer, Proc. SPIE 11835, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XIX, 118350C (2021).

A Wide-range wavelength-tunable photon-pair source for characterizing single-photon detectors. L. Shen, J. Lee, A.W. Hartanto, P.K. Tan, C. Kurtsiefer,Proc. SPIE 11806, Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems, 118060R (2021).

Nonlinear photon-atom coupling in free space. M. Steiner, Y.-S. Chin, C. Kurtsiefer, Proc. SPIE 10674, Quantum Technologies, 106740V (2018).

Preparation of single photon states with rising exponential shape. B. Srivathsan, G.K. Gulati, V. Leong, M. Seidler, M. Steiner, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer; Proc. SPIE 10358, 1035803 (2017).

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom. M. Steiner, V. Leong, M.A. Seidler, A. Cere, and C. Kurtsiefer; CLEO/QELS Fundamental Science, FM3C.8 (2016).

Controlling the interference of single photons emitted by independent atomic sources. A. Cerè, V. Leong, S. Kosen, B. Srivathsan, G.K. Gulati, C. Kurtsiefer; Proc. SPIE 9615, 96150Q (2015).

Null Stellar Intensity Interferometry. P. K. Tan , C. M. Chia , W. D. Han , A.H. Chan and C. Kurtsiefer, Proc. IAU, 8(S293), pp. 420-422 (2012).

Interfacing light and single atoms with a lens. M.K. Tey, S.A. Aljunid, F. Huber, B. Chng, Z. Chen, G. Maslennikov, C. Kurtsiefer; Proc. SPIE 7236, 723606 (2009).

Experimental E91 quantum key distribution. A. Ling, M. Peloso, I. Marcikic, A. Lamas-Linares, C. Kurtsiefer; Proc. SPIE 6903, 69030U (2008).

Experimental polarization state tomography using photon counting polarimeters. A. Ling, K.P. Soh, A. Lamas-Linares, C. Kurtsiefer; Proc. SPIE 6305, 63050A (2006).


papers | theses | conferences | proceedings | lectures | seminars

Thermal Quantum Sensing, Quantum Sensors Workshop, Quantum Engineering Programme, Singapore. Presentation by P.K. Tan, 14. Aug 2024.

Expanding the neutral atom toolkit: Cooling with EIT and Fano spectroscopy, QET labs, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. Invited Seminar by V. Prakash, 23 July 2023.

Optical Ranging using Thermal Light, Quantum Engineering Programme 3.0 Launch, Singapore [QEP3]. Demo + Talk by P.K. Tan, 3 April 2024.

Thermal Quantum Sensing, CQT Lunch-time Seminar, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore. Talk by P.K. Tan, 25 March 2024.

Quantum Communications Technologies (Basic Intro), IMDA brown bag event, Infocomm Media Development Authority, Singapore. Lunchtime talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 9 Mar 2023.

Quantum Key Distribution POC(s) over deployed Metropolitan Fiber in Singapore, Finland-Singapore QKD workshop, organized by the National Supercomputing Center Singapore. Virtual talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 1 June 2021

Temporal Intensity Interferometry; High EnergyAstrophysics Department Seminar, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Seminar by P.K. Tan, 19 Sept 2019

Atom-Photon Interaction in a Strong Focusing Regime; Condensed Matter Seminar series, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Seminar by C. Kurtsiefer, 17 Sept 2019

Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down conversion; Coloquio del Instituto, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Colloquium by A. Cere, 23 Oct 2018

Emerging applications of quantum technology: secure communication, randomness generation, advanced sensing, atomic clocks; Quantum Technology workshop, IoTAsia 2018. Seminar by C. Kurtsiefer, 22 March 2018

Atoms coupled to tightly focused light, University of Bonn, Germany. Seminar by M. Steiner, 20 September 2017

Quantum Random NumberGenerators and Their Implementation Training on Quantum Technologies at Infineon Singapore, Singapore. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 16 May 2017

Engineering atom-light interaction with strongly focused optical modes Quantum Engineering Science and Technologies Symposium (QuESTS), Singapore. Invited talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 14-18 November 2016

Photon pairs, a versatile tool: from the limits of quantum mechanics to the dynamics of single atom scatteringInstituto de Física da Universidade de Só o Paulo, Brazil, Public talk by A. Cerè, 10 Nov 2016

Single photon: powerhouse of quantum communication Taller: Hacía las Tecnologías Cuánticas, Mexico City, Mexico. Public talk by A. Cerè, 10 Nov 2016

Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom Coloquio del Instituto, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Seminar by A. Cerè, 3 Nov 2016

Photon pairs, a versatile tool: from the limits of quantum mechanics to the dynamics of single atom scattering Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Seminar by A. Cerè, 8 Apr 2016

Exploring the limits of non-locality with pairs of photons Seminario Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico City, Mexico. Invited Seminar by A. Cerè, 6 Aug 2015

Reversing The Temporal Envelope Of A Heralded Single Photon Using A Cavity Coloquio ICF, Insituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico. Invited Seminar by A. Cerè, 5 Aug 2015

A source of heralded photon pairs for interaction with atomic systems Seminario GIOC, Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico City, Mexico. Invited Seminar by A. Cerè, 30 July 2015

Single Atom Coupled to a Concentric Cavity Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics Chiangmai, Thailand. Invited Seminar by N. Lewty 27 March 2015.

4 Wave Mixing in a Cold Rb Cloud of Atoms Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics Chiangmai, Thailand. Invited Seminar by A. Cerè, 30 March 2015.

Closing the Loopholes in the Bell Test Experiment Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics Chiangmai, Thailand. Invited Seminar by A. Cerè, 30 March 2015.

Toward the generation of Bell Certified randomness using photons and Narrowband correlated photon pairs via four wave mixing in a cold atoms ensemble, Centre for Quantum Technologies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Seminar by A. Cerè, 27/28 June 2013

Hacia la generación de aleatoriedad certificada usando desigualdades de Bell, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Seminar by A. Cerè, 2 August 2013

Luz cuántica a partir de átomos fríos, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. Seminar by A. Cerè, 5 August 2013

Interaction of light with a single atom in the strong focusing regime, Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey. Seminar by K. Durak, May 2013

Interaction of light with a single atom in the strong focusing regime, Koc University, Turkey. GSSE Physics Seminar by K. Durak, 7 May 2013

Interaction of light with a single atom in the strong focusing regime, Sabanci University, Turkey. Seminar by K. Durak, May 2013

Towards a Loophole free Bell test, National Institute of Standards and Technologies. NIST Boulder (Sae Woo Nam / R. Mirin group). Seminar by S.K. Joshi, June 2013

Atom-Light interaction in the strong focusing regime. Quantum Interface Fest, ICFO, Casteldefels, Spain. Talk by C. Kurtsiefer, 28. June 2012

S.K. Joshi: Efficient, Narrowband PPKTP Source for Polarization Entangled Photons.University of Toronto (A. Steinberg group), Toronto, Canada. July 2011

C. Kurtsiefer: Interaction of photons in strongly focused modes with single atoms. NIST Boulder (Sae Woo Nam / R. Mirin group). May 2011

A. Lamas-Linares: Making and breaking quantum cryptography. Lousiana State University. September 2010


papers | theses | conferences | proceedings | lectures | seminars

A. Cerè: Single Atom - Single Photon interactions (Lectures: 1 Single Photons, 2 Spontaneous decay, 3 Single Photon Absorption, 4 A Scattering Experiment).
Latin American School of Physics 2017, Mexico City.

C. Kurtsiefer:How did physicists detect Gravitational Waves? Some tools that revealed the GW150914 event. Lecture at the NUS Physics Enrichment Camp 2016.

C. Kurtsiefer: Undergraduate module lecture notes for Classical Mechanics (PC2132)

C. Kurtsiefer: Atom-Light interaction in the strong focusing regime
IAS Summer school of Physics 2012.

A. Lamas-Linares and C. Kurtsiefer: Quantum Optics Devices
Les Houches Singapore summer school 2009.

C. Kurtsiefer: A taste of experimental quantuminformation techniques / Aspects of Quantum Cryptography
Asher Peres International School of Physics 2008, Sydney, Australia, November 2008.