#!/usr/bin/gnuplot #set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,16" size 8.6cm, 8cm # NOTE: gnuplot eps does not support transparency channel, so I use pdf instead. set terminal pdf transparent color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,12" size 8.6cm, 8cm #set terminal epslatex color set output "fig_stickslip.pdf" ################################# ####### ####GENERAL SETTINGS#### set border linewidth 1.5 set samples 5000 set multiplot #set bar 2 unset bar unset key #set style fill solid 0.3 noborder ########################### ##### ##### unset key #unset xtics #unset xlabel #unset ytics #unset ylabel unset key set border 15 #set tmargin at screen 0.53 set bmargin at screen 0.5 set lmargin at screen 0.15 #set rmargin at screen 0.95 f0a = 'data/stickslip_median_30mg.dat' f0b = 'data/stickslip_range_30mg.dat' f1a = 'data/stickslip_median_50mg.dat' f1b = 'data/stickslip_range_50mg.dat' f2a = 'data/stickslip_median_110mg.dat' f2b = 'data/stickslip_range_110mg.dat' f3a = 'data/stickslip_median_170mg.dat' f3b = 'data/stickslip_range_170mg.dat' set ytics add (2,5,10,20,50) nomirror set xtics format " " nomirror set yrange [2:60] set xrange [2:10] #set xlabel 'base mirror vibration (nm)' set ylabel 'cantilever vibration (nm)' unset label unset title unset grid set key bottom right set logscale xy set style fill transparent solid 0.3 noborder plot f0b using 1:2:3 notitle with filledcurves lc 'red',\ f0a using 1:2 title '0.03 g' with lines lc 'red', \ f1b using 1:2:3 notitle with filledcurves lc 'blue',\ f1a using 1:2 title '0.05 g' with lines lc 'blue', \ f2b using 1:2:3 notitle with filledcurves lc 'dark-green',\ f2a using 1:2 title '0.11 g' with lines lc 'dark-green',\ f3b using 1:2:3 notitle with filledcurves lc 'brown',\ f3a using 1:2 title '0.17 g' with lines lc 'brown' ################################# unset logscale xy set logscale x unset key set tmargin at screen 0.46 set bmargin at screen 0.15 set lmargin at screen 0.15 #set rmargin at screen 0.95 f0a = 'data/stickslip_median_30mg.dat' f0b = 'data/stickslip_range_30mg.dat' f1a = 'data/stickslip_median_50mg.dat' f1b = 'data/stickslip_range_50mg.dat' f2a = 'data/stickslip_median_110mg.dat' f2b = 'data/stickslip_range_110mg.dat' f3a = 'data/stickslip_median_170mg.dat' f3b = 'data/stickslip_range_170mg.dat' set ytics 45 nomirror set xtics format "%g" set xtics add (2,5,10) nomirror set yrange [-180:0] set xrange [2:10] set xlabel 'platform vibration (nm)' set ylabel 'phase (deg)' unset label unset key unset title set style fill transparent solid 0.3 noborder plot f0b using 1:4:5 notitle with filledcurves lc 'red',\ f0a using 1:3 notitle with lines lc 'red', \ f1b using 1:4:5 notitle with filledcurves lc 'blue',\ f1a using 1:3 notitle with lines lc 'blue', \ f2b using 1:4:5 notitle with filledcurves lc 'dark-green',\ f2a using 1:3 notitle with lines lc 'dark-green',\ f3b using 1:4:5 notitle with filledcurves lc 'brown',\ f3a using 1:3 notitle with lines lc 'brown'