Dear Editor, please find enclosed our manuscript entitled "Reversing the temporal envelope of a heralded single photon using a cavity". Building on a narrowband heralded photon source based on four-wave mixing in a cold atomic vapor, we manage to manipulate the biphoton wavefunction emerging from a cascade decay in Rubidium atoms with a cavity in one of the modes in a way that results in a heralded photon with a rising exponential envelope that is resonant with an atom in the ground state. While our work is mostly experimental, we present a relatively simple model to describe the transformation the cavity induces in the biphoton system, and verify its predictive power not only for the preparation of heralded photons with a rising exponential shape, but also for a more complex situation. We believe that this work is a significant advancement in the preparation of photons of that envelope, and a necessary component in a quantum information processing system where information has to be transferred from photons back to atoms. It should be interesting to a wider physics community as well, as the technique illustrates that phase shifting on one part of a biphoton can affect the temporal shape of the other photon of this pair - a transformation that is not immediately obvious. We therefore feel that Physical Review Letters should be an adequate platform for this work, and look forward to your reply. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer