# set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "Helvetica,16pt" size 8.6cm,6cm # set output "comparison.eps" #set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Helvetica,42pt" size 4000,3000 #set output "comparison.png" set term epslatex color 12 size 8.6cm,6cm set encoding utf8 set output "source_comparison.tex" # common settings set logscale xy 10 set format xy "10^{%L}" set tics scale 2 set tics nomirror set xr [0.00000001:500] #nanometres set yr [100:100000000000000000000000000] #counts/sec # set xr [1e-8:5e-2] # set yr [1e2:1e26] #counts/sec set border linewidth 1 set logscale x2 10 set format x2 "10^{%L}" set x2tics nomirror set x2r [0.0001:0.000000000000002] # set x2r [1e-4:2e-15] set x2label "Coherence time (s)" set xlabel "Spectral width {/Symbol Dl} (nm)" set ylabel "Photoevents per second per mode" offset -0.8,0 # THIS WORK # set label "This work" at 0.0000005,500000000000000000 # set label "This work" at 5e-6,5e17 # PREVIOUS WORK # set label "Subthreshold^1^2" at 0.000001,300000000000000 # set label "Subthreshold^1^2" at 1e-6,3e14 # THERMAL SOURCES # set label "Microspheres^1^3" at 0.00000002,10000000 set label "^1^4Sunlight" at 0.00002,800000 set label "Hg^1^5" at 0.0015,9000 set label "RGG^1^6" at 0.02,8000 set label "EDFA^1^7" at 1,12000000000000000 set label "SLD^1^8" at 20,6000000000000000000 # set label "Microspheres^1^3" at 2e-8,1e7 # set label "^1^4Sunlight" at 2e-5,8e5 # set label "Hg^1^5" at 1.5e-3,9e3 # set label "RGG^1^6" at 2e-2,8e3 # set label "EDFA^1^7" at 1,1.2e16 # set label "SLD^1^8" at 20,6e18 # SPDC SOURCES # set label "Cavity^1^9" at 0.0002,200000000 set label "^2^0FWM" at 0.09,600000 set label "PPLN^2^1" at 8,60000000 set label "BBO^2^2" at 15,1200000 set label "PPKTP^2^3" at 3,1400 # set label "Cavity^1^9" at 2e-4,2e8 # set label "^2^0FWM" at 0.09,6e4 # set label "PPLN^2^1" at 8,6e7 # set label "BBO^2^2" at 15,1.2e6 # set label "PPKTP^2^3" at 3,1.4e3 # M(x)=(4e21)*x # set label "4{/Symbol \264}10^2^1 photoevents/sec/nm" at 5e-5,(5e18) rotate by 15 M(x)=4000000000000000000000*x set label "4{/Symbol \264}10^2^1 photoevents/sec/nm" at 0.00005,5000000000000000000 rotate by 15 # N(x)=40000000*x # set label "4{/Symbol \264}10^7 photoevents/sec/nm" at 0.005,5000000 rotate by 15 # H(x)=1000000000000 # set arrow from 0.07, graph 0 to 0.07, graph 1 nohead lw 2 lc "black" dt 2 N(x)=(4e7)*x set label "4{/Symbol \264}10^7 photoevents/sec/nm" at 5e-3,5e6 rotate by 15 H(x)=1e12 set arrow from 0.07, graph 0 to 0.07, graph 1 nohead lw 2 lc "black" dt 2 set label "Thermal" at 0.0000005,90000000000000000000000 set label "SPDC" at 0.0000005,5000000000000000000000 # set label "Thermal" at 5e-7,9e22 # set label "SPDC" at 5e-7,5e21 plot 'thermal.txt' using 3:2 notitle "Thermal" with points ps 1.5 lw 2 pt 7 lc rgb "red", 'spdc.txt' using 3:2 notitle "SPDC" with points ps 1.5 lw 2 pt 5 lc rgb "blue", M(x) lw 2 lc "black" notitle, N(x) lw 2 lc "black" notitle, H(x) lw 2 lc "black" dt 2 notitle reset