set term postscript enhanced eps color font "Helvetica,16" size 8.6cm,8cm set encoding utf8 set output "power_coherence_time.eps" power_file="power_current_DFB_0780_20240923_1342_after_PM_fibre.dat" tau_c_file = "tau_c_vs_current.txt" set multiplot set pointinterval 0.0001 set lmargin at screen 0.13 # set rmargin at screen 0.85 time_offset = 320 #ns threshold_current = 37.0 # power set size 1,0.45 set origin 0,0.55 # set xlabel "current (mA)" set label 2 "optical power (mW)" enhanced at screen 0.02, graph 0.5 center rotate by 90 unset logscale y set xrange [40:120] set format x "" # set yrange [0.001:2] set ytics 5 set bars large set label 1 "(a)" at 42,17 font "Helvetica,20" plot power_file using 1:($2*1000) with points linestyle 7 ps 0.5 lw 2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "" # draw dotted line for lasing threshold # set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # tau c unset label 1 set size 1,0.6 set origin 0,0 set xlabel "laser current I_{L} (mA)" set label 2 "coherence time {/Symbol t}_c (ns)" enhanced set xrange [40:120] set format x "%.0f" unset logscale y set yrange [0:220] set ytics 0,50,220 # set yrange [-0.05:1.05] # set ytics auto set bars large set label 1 "(b)" at 42,190 font "Helvetica,20" plot tau_c_file using 1:2:3 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.5 lw 2 linetype rgb "#FF0000" title "" # # draw dotted line for lasing threshold # set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # # spectral density # unset label 1 # set size 1,0.4 # set origin 0,0 # set xlabel "current $I_{L}$ (mA)" # set ylabel "$\\tau_c$ (ns)" enhanced # set xrange [30:120] # # set yrange [-10:370] # set ytics auto # set bars large # unset format x # set label 1 "(c)" at graph 0.02, graph 0.90 # plot power_file using 1:2:3 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.5 lw 2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "" # # plot 'tau_c_vs_current.dat' using 1:2 with lines linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "" # # draw dotted line for lasing threshold # set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # unset lmargin # unset rmargin # # inset finer measurement # unset label 1 # set size 0.4,0.2 # set origin 0.4,0.4 # unset xlabel # unset ylabel # set xrange [36:40] # set yrange [-0.05:1.05] # set ytics (0,0.5,1) # set xtics (36,40) # set bars large # plot 'rho_vs_current_fine.dat' using 1:2:3:4 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.5 lw 2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "", '' using 1:5:6:7 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.5 lw 2 linetype rgb "#FF0000" title "" # # draw dotted line for lasing threshold # set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 front nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 unset multiplot