thermal - Revision 593: /reference papers
A Conceptual Design for an Exoplanet Imager.pdf
A Novel Type of Very Long Baseline Astronomical Intensity Interferometer.pdf
A Test of a New Type of Stellar Interferometer on Sirius.pdf
A reliable compact and low cost Michelson wavemeter for laser wavelength measurement.pdf
A simple beam combination for stellar interferometry.pdf
All you ever wanted to know about optical.pdf
An Imaging Fabry Perot system for the Robert Stobie Spectrograph on the Southern African Large Telescope.pdf
Astrophotonics, a new era for astronomical instruments.pdf
COMPTEL limits on 26Al 1.809 MeV line emission from gamma Velorum .pdf
Calculation of Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Image Formation Using Multispectral Intensity Correlation.pdf
Coherence and Fluctuations in Light Beams.pdf
Comparing measurements of g(2)(0) performed with different coincidence detection techniques.pdf
Coupling Light from Incoherent Sources to Optical Waveguides.pdf
Distortion of Gaussian intensity profile by passing through a tilted Fabry-Perot filter.pdf
Doppler free measurement of the 546 nm line of mercury.pdf
Entry pupil processing approaches for exo-planet imaging.pdf
Exo-planet detection via stellar intensity correlation interferometry.pdf
Experimental Study on Coherence Time of a Light Field with Single Photon Counting.pdf
Ghost imaging experiment with sunlight compared to laboratory experiment with thermal light.pdf
High-order temporal coherences of chaotic and laser light.pdf
Hot Stars and Interferometry.pdf
Inexpensive Interferometric Wavemeter.pdf
Intensity interferometry for observation of dark objects.pdf
Intensity interferometry with more than two detectors.pdf
Interferometry Theory Primer.pdf
Iqueye, a single photon-counting photometer applied to the ESO.pdf
Laser Cosmology.pdf
Lensless ghost imaging with sunlight .pdf
Lensless ghost imaging with true thermal light.pdf
Light incoherence due to quantum-gravitational fluctuations of the background space.pdf
Measurement of Photon Bunching in a Thermal Light Beam.pdf
Measurements of Photon Correlations in Partially Coherent Light.pdf
Michelson Interferometer.pdf
Micro-arcsec imaging from the ground with intensity interferometers.pdf
Monte-Carlo simulation of stellar intensity interferometry.pdf
Multiple anamorphic beam combination.pdf
Multiple beam combination for faint objects.pdf
Nature of light correlations in ghost imaging.pdf
New Astrophysical Opportunities Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Optical Correlations.pdf
Noise in optical synthesis images. I. Ideal Michelson interferometer.pdf
Nulling interferometry performance comparison between Antarctica and other ground-based sites.pdf
Observation of Anticorrelation with Classical Light in a Linear Optical System.pdf
Observation of correlated-photon statistics using a single detector.pdf
On stellar limb darkening and exoplanetary transits.pdf
On the intensity interferometry and the second-order correlation function g(2) in astrophysics.pdf
Optical Interferometry - A Practice Primer.pdf
Optical intensity interferometry with the Cherenkov Telescope Array.pdf
Optical interferometry, astrometry and image formation with optical interferometers.pdf
Optical mechanical operation of the F2T2 Filter a tunable filter designed to search for First Light.pdf
Optical to electrical detection delay in APD based detector.pdf
Optical to electrical detection delay in avalanche photodiode based detector and its interpretation.pdf
Parasitic interference in long baseline optical interferometry - Requirements for hot Jupiter-like planet detection.pdf
Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for Observing Natural Lasers.pdf
Photonic Astronomy and Quantum Optics.pdf
Physical Properties of Wolf Rayet Stars.pdf
Physics of Ghost Imaging.pdf
Picosecond Laser Pulse Distortion by Propagation through a Turbulent Atmosphere.pdf
Planck scale still safe from stellar images.pdf
Possibility of Measuring the Width of Narrow Fe II Astrophysical Laser Lines in the Vicinity of Eta Carinae by means of Brown-Twiss-Townes Heterodyne Correlation Interferometry.pdf
Quantum Nature of Light Measured with a Single Detector.pdf
Satellite Laser Ranging Precision Ultimate Limit .pdf
Science and Technology Progress at the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer.pdf
Simple Fourier optics formalism for high angular resolution systems and nulling interferometry.pdf
Single-Mode Propagation of Mutual Temporal Coherence Equivalence of Time and Frequency Measurements of Polarization Mode Dispersion.pdf
Stabilising a nulling interferometer using optical path difference dithering.pdf
Stellar Angular Diameter Measurements by Interferometry.pdf
Stellar Intensity Interferometry Background.pdf
Stellar Intensity Interferometry Prospects for sub-milliarcsecond optical imaging.pdf
The 'walk-off' effect in Fabry-Perot etalons-limitations to 'single-shot' linewidth measurements at longer wavelengths.pdf
The Hanbury Brown Twiss Intensity Interferometer.pdf
The Lack of Observational Evidence for the Quantum Structure of Spacetime at Planck Scales.pdf
The phase coherence of light from extragalactic sources - direct evidence against first order Planck scale fluctuations in time and space - Journal Paper.pdf
Towards optical intensity interferometry for high angular resolution stellar astrophysics.pdf
Towards the Intensity Interferometry Stellar Imaging System.pdf
Wave numbers and Ar pressure induced shifts of 198Hg atomic lines measured by Fourier transform spectroscopy.pdf
Wavelengths of Krypton 86, Mercury 198 and Cadmium 114.pdf