set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "Helvetica,16pt" size 8.6cm,6cm #set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Helvetica,48pt" size 4000,3000 # common settings set format y "%2.1f" set format x "%2.0f" set tics scale 2 set tics nomirror set ytics 2 set xtics 25 set border linewidth 1 set bars large set xlabel "Photoevent Timing Separation {/Symbol t} [ns]" set ylabel "g^{(2)}({/Symbol t})" set output "thresholdg2.eps" #set output "thresholdg2.png" set xrange [-90:90] set yrange [0:12] set samples 1000 plot "thresholdg2.txt" using ($1)-94:2 with lines title "33.2 mA" lw 2 lc rgb "red", "" using ($1)-94:3 with lines title "36.8 mA" lw 2 lc rgb "black" dt 4