# type the following command in gnuplot, in the directory that contains the .gnu and .txt datafile, as below: # load "coherence_gain.gnu" # use this setting for .eps, common choice for use in LaTeX set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "Helvetica,16pt" size 8.6cm,6cm # use this for .png, everyday use easier to open #set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "Helvetica,24pt" size 1920,1080 # common formatting settings set samples 10000 set format x "%2.0f" set format y "%2.1f" #set logscale y #set format y "%2.0t{/Symbol \264}10^{%L}" #set format y "10^{%L}" set tics scale 1 set tics nomirror set xrange [0:21] set yrange [-0.2:0.2] set ytics 0.1 #set yrange [0.00001:100] #set ytics 0.00001,10,100 #set ytics add ("50" 50) #set mytics 1 set border linewidth 2 set output 'coherence_gain.eps' set xlabel "Aperture (m)" set ylabel "Change in Output Power (%)" offset -1,0 plot 'coherence.txt' using 1:(100*$6) with lines lc rgb "red" lw 2 notitle, 'coherence.txt' using 1:(100*$7) with lines lc rgb "black" lw 2 notitle, reset unset tics