Dear Editor, we first would like to thank the referee for the fast reading, and the constructive remarks on the manuscript. To address the suggestions and questions raised in the review, we would like to go through them in their original order: 1a. (Specification on the lens size) At the end of the first sentence in section 2 (Experimental Setup), we added ", resulting in an effective lens aperture of 1.2 mm." to indicate the effective lens diameter. The lens diameter itself is larger, (around 6mm), but we only use the central part. 1b. (Clarification on integration times) The quoted 4 minute intervals for measurement coincides with the integration time; this was not so clear in the main text. Therefore, just before the old eq. 6 (new equation 7), we replace the text "... is shown in 4 minute time intervals." by "... is shown for consecutive integration intervals of 4 minutes." 2. Indeed, the transverse coherence length of the sun is smaller than the effective size of the coupling lens. However, the single transverse mode fiber ensures that we have full spatial coherence after the fiber. The limited spatial coherence of sunlight before the fiber should result in a reduced coupling efficiency, but not affect the temporal structure of the collected light. We do not expect a reduction of the temporal g(2) seen behind the single mode fiber due to this limited coupling efficiency. 3. We appreciate the suggestion to discuss the SNR a bit more in detail. To do so quantitatively, we added a paragraph (around new equation 6) right after the presentation of the solar g(2): "The observed ratio of the photon bunching excess (g^(2)-1) to the noise given by the standard deviation Delta evaluated from propagated Poissonian statistics in our experiment is SNR=(g^(2)-1)/Delta=13.8. This is slightly smaller than the signal-to-noise ratio predicted in (hbt:1974), SNR=1/2r_s\sqrt{\tau_j T}~21, where r_s~300000/s is the counting rate on a single detector, \tau_j the time bin width for the pair histogramming (40\,ps), and T=4 minutes the integration time for one measurement. The discrepancy could be explained by a varying r_s due to fast weather condition changes over T." 4.Preliminary estimations of the single line emission of gamma Velorum seem to suggest that we could expect single photon detection rates on the order of 10^ 6/sec from a 8" telescope. If we were to compare this to the signal rates for sunlight presented in this paper, we should be able to observe a signature in a very short time. However, we hesitate to make such a statement in the manuscript, because we do not know what coupling efficiency from starlight in to the filter system will be achievable. 5 . We certainly agree that a better knowledge of the time response of the detectors would help for making quantitative statements on decoherence effects even with the detectors we have now. However, this turned out to be complicated, because we currently can not test the detector response with a sufficient time resolution at the green wavelength. The detector measurements we present in figure 3 had to be made at 810nm, where the behavior of the detectors may be significantly different due to the rapidly changing absorption length in silicon. We are trying to work on this, but have no results at the moment that would help for this manuscript. 6. Typo - we corrected it in the second last paragraph. With this, we hope to have addressed the suggestions by the referee, and look forward for your reply. Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian