Dear Editor, please find enclosed a manuscript on a systematic evaluation of on parameters for a scheme to generate correlated photon pairs through four wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble. This is a systematic study of relevant experimental parameters that will hopefully be helpful for anyone operating a similar narrowband photon pair source. Somewhat unexpectedly, we were also able to model some of the pair generation behavior, in particular the contributions of coherent and incoherent scattering by a remarkably simple model of three-level atoms back from 1976. This complements recent theoretical models on collective atomic behavior for photon pair generation. The manuscript is a detailed follow-up on our earlier work with that system over the last years; relevant publications on these experiments were PRL 111, 123602 (2013); PRA 90, 033819 (2014); PRL 113, 163601 (2014); PRA 91, 063829 (2015); NJP 17, 093034 (2015); Nat. Comm. 7, 13716 (2016); Opt. Expr. 25, 6294 (2017). We feel that Physical Review A is an appropriate platform for this systematic experimental work, and would ask you to consider it as a regular article. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer