Pair rate and efficiency plots by varying the 780 and 776 pump powers. Script files: ------------- Script to take data: (in lepton:~/programs/fwm_programs/fwm_statistics) Detector used to measure input powers split at PBS just before the MOT (split ratio below): Thorlabs PDA36A @ 10 dB gain and 1Mohm load resistance. (4750 Volt/Amps, 0.5 Amps/Watt) script to generate a plotable table from timestamp raw data : (inside low_rates and high rates folder) Data file column format : col 1 : voltage measured by the detector for 776 pump beam col 2 : Total pairs in the measurment time col 3 and 4 : Total singles (762 and 795) in measurement time col 5 : Normalized g2 for that pump power. The script generates a seperate file plot_data_.dat for each 780 pump power. power.dat file contains the 780 and 776 pump power measured by the detector at different AOM rf powers. ------------------------------------------------------------ low_rates: ---------- Detunings: 780 : 60Mhz red detuned from F=2 to F'=3 line 776 : adjusted to be 10 MHz blue detuned from two-photon resonance filename format of timetamp raw data :780__776_.dat Too big to be in svn. Location on workspace : projects/fourwavemixing/data/fwm_stats/280613b/ ratio of Measured input pump power (at PBS) to actual power sent to MOT (power.dat) 780 - 1:15 776 - 1:300 ------------------------------------------------------------- high_rates: ----------- Detunings: 780 : 60 Mhz red detuned from F=2 to F'=3 line 776 : adjusted to be 3 MHz blue detuned from two-photon resonance filename format of timetamp raw data :780__776_.dat Too big to be in svn. Location on workspace : projects/fourwavemixing/data/fwm_stats/010713b/ ratio of Measured input pump power to actual power sent to MOT 780 - 1:12 776 - 1:300 -------------------------------------------------------------- Gnuplot files (inside low_rates and high_rates): rates_efficiency.gnu : To generate multiplot of pair rates, efficiencies as a function of pump powers rates_efficiency.eps : plot file -------------------------------------------------------------- Other similar sets of data in workspace/projects/fourwavemixing/data/fwm_stats/270613, 280613, 280613b,010713,010713b