Normalized g2 by varying the pair rate. Timestamp raw data files in workspace: projects/fourwavemixing/data/fwm_stats/030713b/* script files: ------------- script to generate a plotable table from timestamp raw data : Col 1 : pair rate Col 2 : normalized g2 Col 3 & 4 : singles rate Col 5 : error in normalized g2. The script generates the table in rate_g2_singles.dat Parameters: ----------- 780 power : 450 uW Detunings: 780 : 60 Mhz red detuned from F=2 to F'=3 line 776 : adjusted to be 10 MHz blue detuned from two-photon resonance plot files: ----------- plot_g2.gnu : To plot peak normalized g2 with pair rate. Inset shows magnified plot at low pair rate. plot_g2.eps : plot file from plot_g2.gnu