set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,22" size 15cm,17cm set colors classic data = 'fwm_od.dat' set nobars set style line 1 pt 4 ps 2 lc 'blue' lw 5 set style line 2 pt 6 ps 2 lc 'red' lw 5 set style line 3 pt 10 ps 2 lc rgb '#006400' lw 5 set style line 4 pt 12 ps 2 lc rgb '#2F4F4F' lw 5 set border 3 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set output 'od_rates.eps' set multiplot layout 2,1 set lmargin 10 set yrange [0:] set xrange [0:31] # top plots, single rates s(x) = 1/0.00098423 * x i(x) = 1/0.00072826 * x set key t l set ylabel font "Helvetica,24" "count rate (1/s)" unset xlabel set format x "" set format y '%.0s%c' plot \ data u 2:8:3:9 w xyerrorbars title "signal" ls 1,\ data u 2:10:3:11 w xyerrorbars title "idler" ls 2, \ s(x) lc 'blue' lw 5 notitle, \ i(x) lc 'red' lw 5 notitle # bottom plot, pair rates unset format x set xlabel font "Helvetica,24" "optical density" set ylabel font "Helvetica,24" "pair rate (1/s)" plot \ data u 2:6:3:7 w xyerrorbars notitle ls 4 # plot of the efficiencies and coherence times unset multiplot set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,22" size 15cm,8.5cm set output 'od_eff.eps' # set multiplot layout 2,1 set xrange [0:31] # top plots, efficiencies s(x) = 18.863887 * (1-exp(-x/9.45939987)) i(x) = 14.566479 * (1-exp(-x/10.9499855)) set key t l set ylabel font "Helvetica,24" "heralded efficiency (%)" # unset xlabel # set format x "" set xlabel font "Helvetica,24" "optical density" plot \ data u 2:($6/$8*100):3:((sqrt(($7/$8)**2 + ($9*$6/($8**2))**2))*100) w xyerrorbars title "signal" ls 1, \ data u 2:($6/$10*100):3:((sqrt(($7/$10)**2 + ($11*$6/($10**2))**2))*100) w xyerrorbars title "idler" ls 2, \ s(x) lc 'blue' lw 5 notitle, \ i(x) lc 'red' lw 5 notitle # bottom plot, pair rates # unset format x # Fit function for g2 decay time as a function of optical density (x) # f(x)=27/(1+a*x) Tau0 = 1000/(2 * pi * 6.067) f(x)=Tau0/(1+a*x) a=.1 fit f(x) data u 2:12 via a set output 'od_times.eps' set xrange [0:] set xlabel font "Helvetica,24" "optical density" set ylabel font "Helvetica,24" "coherence time {/Symbol t} (ns)" plot \ data u 2:12:3:13 w xyerrorbars notitle ls 4, \ f(x) lc '#006400' lw 5 notitle # , \ # Tau0 ls 2 lw 5 notitle