Peak coincidence rate, g2 decay time, Efficiency by varying optical density. OD changed by changing repump beam power (by changing the repump laser AOM rf power). Script files: ------------- : To obtain transmission data of weak probe beam with and without MOT to get OD (in lepton: programs/fwm_programs/OD_switching) : Bash file to generate plotable table from timestamp raw data files. Output file column format below. OD_data_fit/ : Get OD for different repump rf powers from the transmission data obtained using Parameters: ----------- 776 pump power = 15 mW 780 pump power = 300 uW Detunings: 780 : 60 Mhz red detuned from F'=3 776 : 12 Mhz blue detuned from D3/2, F''=3 for two photon transition plot_data.dat: ------------- Col1 - repump laser AOM rf power Col2 - Optical density Col3 - error in Optical density (from fit) Col4 - Peak value of coincidence rate within 1 ns bin width Col5 - error in Col4 Col6 - Pair rate in coincidence window of 50 ns Col7 - error in Col6 Col8 - Singles rate of 762 Col9 - error in col8 Col10- Singles rate of 795 Col11- error in Col10 Col12- g2 decay time from exponential fit Col13- error in col12 repump_rf*.dat: --------------- Timestamp raw data files for different repump AOM rf powers. OD_data_fit/*.dat: --------------- OD measurement files for various repump AOM rf powers. Plots: ------ peakrate_decaytime.gnu : Gnuplot multiplot file to plot peakrate, g2 decay time, and pairs to singles efficiency as a function of optical density. peakrate_decaytime.eps : Plot file generated from peakrate_decaytime.gnu OD_data_fit/plot.gnu : gnuplot file to fit the transmission data to get OD. Used in OD_data_fit/ exponential_fit.gnu : gnuplot file to fit exponential decay to g2 data to get decay time. Used in