set terminal postscript eps color solid enhanced font "Helvetica,22" size 15cm, 8.5cm set colors classic set output 'CAR.eps' set nobars set border 3 set isosamples 20,20 set samples 1000,1000 # set multiplot # Dark counts of the APDs used to detect the photons # d1=165;d2=508; d1=165;d2=509; Dt = 30e-9 # Pairs to singles efficiency of the source. eff1=0.1726; eff2=0.1234; # eff1 = 0.16; # eff2 = 0.13; # Expected g(2) as a function of pair rate x g(x)=((((x/eff1)+d1)*((x/eff2)+d2)*Dt)+(x))/(((x/eff1)+d1)*((x/eff2)+d2)*Dt); # set size 1,1 # set origin 0,0 set xtics nomirror # set xtics add 4 set ytics 1000 nomirror set yrange [0:4200] set xlabel font "Helvetica,24" "pair rate (1/s)" set ylabel font "Helvetica,24" "coincidence to accidental ratio (CAR)" set logscale x plot [2:4500] g(x) lw 2 lc rgb "blue" notitle, \ 'CAR.dat' u 1:3:2:4 w xyerrorbars notitle ps 2 pt 7 lw 3 lc rgb "red"