---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of the Referee -- AY11417/Chin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The authors have satisfactorily addressed my concerns, except the biggest one that refers to the magnitude of the extinction of the light caused by the atom. The observed extinction is a factor of two smaller than expected from theory. This factor of two is surprisingly large, given the conceptual simplicity of the experiment. It is annoying that the authors do not know about the origin of this discrepancy. This ignorance certainly decreases the value of the reported research and the impact of the manuscript. What remains are measurements concerning the frequency, power and temperature dependence of the extinction. All these measurements can perfectly be explained by theory. It is therefore surprising that, again, the authors can explain all features of the extinction except its magnitude. In the end, the general reader will get the impression that the kind of experiments reported in the manuscript suffer from unidentified and possibly obscure effects. This is surprising because the related but much more sophisticated experiments with an atom inside a cavity do not knowledge. In summary, the paper is publishable, but the message it transports is negative, without any clear instruction on how to improve.