---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of the Referee -- AY11417/Chin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The authors have satisfactorily addressed my concerns, except the biggest one that refers to the magnitude of the extinction of the light caused by the atom. The observed extinction is a factor of two smaller than expected from theory. This factor of two is surprisingly large, given the conceptual simplicity of the experiment. It is annoying that the authors do not know about the origin of this discrepancy. This ignorance certainly decreases the value of the reported research and the impact of the manuscript. What remains are measurements concerning the frequency, power and temperature dependence of the extinction. All these measurements can perfectly be explained by theory. It is therefore surprising that, again, the authors can explain all features of the extinction except its magnitude. In the end, the general reader will get the impression that the kind of experiments reported in the manuscript suffer from unidentified and possibly obscure effects. This is surprising because the related but much more sophisticated experiments with an atom inside a cavity do not knowledge. In summary, the paper is publishable, but the message it transports is negative, without any clear instruction on how to improve. reply: In our work we investigated the influence of the atomic temperature on the interaction with light focused to a near diffraction-limited spot size. We believe that we demonstrated conclusively the effect of the temperature in experiment and theory. We choose to compare our results to a model which assumes an ideal lens. We agree with the referee that it is regrettable that our observed magnitude of interaction does not match the expectation of this model. However, real lenses are not ideal and we believe, as stated in the manuscript, that lens and wave front errors are the main source for the reduced interaction. We made the following changes to the manuscipt to improve the readability and to emphasise our main result, the temperature dependency. We introduce the possibility of a reduced interaction due to aberrations earlier in the text and refine the following paragraphs: description of Eq 8, page 4 "For the probe field, we use the effective interaction strength Λ eff (r) = (1 − α) Λ(r) where we evaluate the spatial dependence of the mode overlap Λ(r) according to [13], which includes the changes of the local electric field polarization of the probe light near the focus. In addition, we heuristically introduce the parameter α which accounts for a reduced interaction strength due to experimental imperfections." caption of Figure 4b), page 4 "The temperature dependence is well reproduced by Eq. (8) with α = 0.54(1) as a free fit parameter (red solid line, chi^2_red = 11.6). Dashed blue line is the expected extinction for an ideal lens, Eq. (8) with α = 0." second paragraph, page 5 "Figure 6(b) (solid red line) shows the theoretical extinction expected from Eq. (8) with our focusing parameters using α = 0.54(1) as a free parameter. The reduction of the extinction as a function of scattered photons is well reproduced by the model. From Eq. (8) with α = 0.54(1), we extrapolate a spatial overlap Λ = 5.1% for a stationary atom which is approximately 10% larger than the interaction observed for our lowest temperatures. This estimation provides an upper bound for the temperature effect because our model treats the atomic motion classically and therefore does not include the finite spread of the motional ground state. The large value of α = 0.54(1) means we observe less interaction compared to the tight focusing theory outlined in [13]. This reduction is likely to be caused by imperfections of the focusing lens and deviations of the incident field from a Gaussian beam." Conclusion, page 5 "Further improvement of the interaction strength requires a careful analysis of the focusing lens and the application of aberration corrections to the incident probe field."