---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of the Referee -- AY11417/Chin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The manuscript reports on an experimental investigation of light-matter interaction for a single atom trapped in strong optical tweezers and irradiated by tightly focused light. On resonance, the authors observe 17% reduction of the light transmitted through the atom and 0.6% enhancement of the light reflected by the atom. These are impressive (although state-of-the-art) results, and the overall study is interesting for all single-atom experiments. Particularly interesting are the time dependence of the light extinction and the dynamical light shift in figure 6. The manuscript might therefore be publishable in the Physical Review. However, a few important questions remain: 1) The observed extinction is only half as large as the expected extinction (~17% compared to ~36%). This huge discrepancy is not explained, although the reported work aims to be a careful and systematic study of light-matter interaction (as stated in the introduction of the manuscript). Which big effect is missing? Without such effect being properly identified, the presented work is not very useful for other groups in the field. 2) For tight focussing, the light polarization in the focus usually differs from the polarization away from the focus.The authors do not mention this at all. Is the effect irrelevant for circularly polarized light as used in the experiment? Or could it explain the large discrepancy between observed and expected transmission? 3) The heating model used to explain the measurements in figure 6 assumes that _each_ scattered photon changes the kinetic energy of the atom by two recoil energies, as clearly stated towards the bottom of page 4 right column (where the directionality of the heating is also . discussed). However, absorption-emission cycles in which the absorbed photon is emitted (almost) into the direction of the laser beam would leave the momentum of the atom and, hence, its energy (almost) unchanged. The heating model therefore seems incorrect which makes the good agreement between experiment and simulation in figure 6a somewhat obscure. The authors must resolve this issue. 4) Figure 4b claims to display results of a saturation experiment, and serves to experimentally determine the saturation power. However, the reflection continues to significantly increase even beyond power levels as high as 4 times the saturation power. How can the saturation power be determined from a measurement which shows no limit in the amount of reflected light (although plotted on a logarithmic scale)? I recommend that the authors clarify these points before publication of the manuscript.