reset file = 'Pairs_Rcollec_Lpump_temp31p45C' shift=-1.1275 #the value of the zero position obtained from the fit in mathematica #set terminal postscript color enhanced "Helvetica" 18 #set output file . '_fit2.eps' set border 3 set xtics 0.5 set ytics 500 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set xrange [-2:2] set yrange [0:500] set ylabel "Coincidences (/s)" set xlabel "Position of mirror (mm)" unset key set style line 4 ps 0.25 lt 1 lc 1 pt 7 lw 0.7# set bars 0.25 #plot file.'.up2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file.'.down2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file u ($1-shift):($3):(sqrt($3)) ls 4 #w yerrorbars set terminal svg fname "Arial" fsize 20.8 size 550 450 set output file . '_Pairs.svg' #becareful of which column is what. if there are only 2 columns then the 3rd is teh pairs else if there are 4 then the 4th is the pairs plot file u ($1-shift):($3):(sqrt($3)) ls 4 , file.'.up' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 5 lw 4, file.'.down' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 5 lw 4 #set yrange [3000:4500] #unset ytics #set ylabel "Singles (/s)" #set output file . '_Singles.svg' #plot file.'.up2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file.'.down2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file u ($1-shift):($3):(sqrt($3)) ls 4 #w yerrorbars set terminal windows plot file.'.up2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file.'.down2' u ($1-shift):($2) w l lc 11 lw 3, file u ($1-shift):($3):(sqrt($3)) ls 4 #w yerrorbars