#effective potential for top a=.8 b=1 g=.1 ep=.3 Veff(t)=((a-b*cos(t))/sin(t))**2+g*cos(t) t0=.677 t1=.333 t2=1.26 set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "Times-Roman,24pt" \ size 10cm,5cm dashlength 2.0 set output "vefftop.eps" set multiplot set size 0.85,1 set origin 0.1,0 set border 0 set xtics axis pi/2 format "" offset 0,.1 # set mxtics 3 set xtics add ("0_{ }" 0, "{/Symbol p}/2_{ }" pi/2, "{/Symbol p}_{ }" pi,\ "{/Symbol q}_0" t0, "{/Symbol q}_1" t1, "{/Symbol q}_2" t2) set arrow 1 from 0,0 to 3.5,0 filled set arrow 2 from 0,0 to 0,1.6 filled set arrow 3 from 0,ep to 1.8,ep nohead lt 2 lc rgb 'black' set arrow 4 from t1,0 to t1,ep nohead lt 3 lc rgb 'black' set arrow 5 from t2,0 to t2,ep nohead lt 3 lc rgb 'black' set label 1 "{/Symbol q}" at 3.4,-.17 set label 2 "{/Times-Italic V}_{eff}" at -.4,1.4 set label 3 "{/Times-Italic E'}" at -.3,ep unset ytics set xrange [0:pi] set yrange [0:1.5] plot Veff(x) lw 2 notitle