# script to plot the scattering angle as a function of the normalized # impact parameter: set terminal postscript eps color enhanced size 10cm,6cm font "Times-Roman,24pt" dashlength 2.0 set output 'rutherford1.eps' set border 0 unset y2tics unset x2tics phi(x)=2*atan(1/x) set xrange [0:8] set yrange [-4:4] set ytics ("-{/Symbol p}" -pi, "-{/Symbol p}/2" -pi/2, "0" 0, \ "{/Symbol p}/2" pi/2 , "{/Symbol p}" pi ) axis unset xtics set label 1 "{/Symbol j}'" at -.8,4 set label 2 "{/Times-Italic b} / {/Times-Italic b}_0" at 7.5,-1 set arrow from 0,0 to 8.5,0 filled set arrow from 0,-4 to 0,4 filled set arrow from 1,0 to 1,pi/2 nohead lt 2 lc rgb 'black' set arrow from 1,pi/2 to 0, pi/2 nohead lt 2 lc rgb 'black' set arrow from 1,-.2 to 1,.2 nohead set label 3 "1" at .9,-.6 set label 4 "{/Times-Italic k} > 0 (attractive potential)" at 2,-1.8 set label 5 "{/Times-Italic k} < 0 (repulsive potential)" at 2,1.8 plot phi(x) lt 1 lc rgb 'red' lw 3 notitle, \ -phi(x) lt 2 lc rgb 'red' lw 3 notitle