# script to show damped oscillator traces set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "Times-Italic,24pt" size 12cm,4.5cm dashlength 2.0 set output 'overdamped.eps' set border 0 #set tics nomirror set xrange [0:10] set yrange [-.65:1.1] unset xtics unset ytics y(t,A,B,beta)=A*exp((-beta-sqrt(beta**2-1))*t)+B*exp((-beta+sqrt(beta**2-1))*t) set arrow 1 from 0,-.8 to 0,1.3 filled set arrow 2 from 0,0 to 10.5,0 filled set label 1 "t" at 10.5,-.15 set label 2 " x{/Times-Roman (}t{/Times-Roman )}" at -1.,1.2 set ylabel " " offset -2,0 set label 3 "B {/Times-Roman > 0}, B' {/Times-Roman = 0}" at .3,.8 set label 4 "B > B' > 0, {/Symbol b} {/Times-Roman = 2}{/Symbol w}_0" at 2,0.3 set label 5 "B > 0, B' < 0, {/Symbol b}{/Times-Roman = 1.5}{/Symbol w}_0" at 3,-.4 plot y(x,1,0,1.1) lt 1 lc rgb 'red' notitle, \ y(x,.5,.3,2) lt 1 lc rgb '#c000c0' notitle, \ y(x,1.3,-.8,1.5) lt 1 lc rgb "blue" notitle