# script to show Green's function for the damped harmonic oscillator set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "Times-Italic,24pt" size 12cm,4cm dashlength 2.0 set output 'greenfunc.eps' set border 0 #set tics nomirror set xrange [-3:10] set yrange [-1.:1.0] unset xtics unset ytics y(t,om1,beta)=(t<0)?0:exp(-beta*t)*sin(om1*t) set arrow 1 from 0,-1.2 to 0,1.2 lw 1 filled set arrow 2 from -3,0 to 10.5,0 lw 1 filled set label 1 "t" at 10.5,-.25 set label 2 "g{/Times-Roman (}t{/Times-Roman )}" at -1.,1.1 plot y(x,4,.5) lt 1 lc rgb 'red' lw 3 notitle