# script to show damped oscillator traces set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "Times-Italic,24pt" size 12cm,6cm dashlength 2.0 set output 'dampedoscillation.eps' set border 0 #set tics nomirror set xrange [0:18] set yrange [-1.1:1.1] unset xtics unset ytics beta=.15; om=1.; e(t)=exp(-beta*t) o(t)=cos(om*t-.7) set arrow 1 from 0,-1.3 to 0,1.3 filled set arrow 2 from 0,0 to 19,0 filled set label 1 "t" at 18.5,-.2 set label 2 "e^{-{/Symbol b}t}" at 3.,.8 set label 3 "A{/Times-Roman cos (}{/Symbol w}t - {/Symbol d}{/Times-Roman )}" at 14.4,.8 set label 4 " x{/Times-Roman (}t{/Times-Roman )}" at 9.2,.6 set arrow 3 from 9.2,.58 to 7.85,.25 filled lc rgb 'blue' plot e(x) lt 2 lc rgb 'red' notitle, \ -e(x) lt 2 lc rgb 'red' notitle, \ o(x) lt 1 lc rgb '#c000c0' notitle, \ o(x)*e(x) lt 1 lc rgb "blue" notitle