set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,20" size 12cm,7cm set colorsequence classic set output 'characterization.eps' set multiplot layout 1, 2 infile1 = 'scattering_1us.dat' infile2 = 'cavity_laser_scan.dat' infile3 = 'cavity_laser_fit.dat' unset ylabel unset xlabel unset key # assuming APD efficiency of 56%, coupling of 62% and PBS loses 50%, can estimate probe power # during the calibration, there is an OD that corresponds to 31.68x factor = 31.68*2.548e-19*1e12/.56/.62 #pW/(cps/s) f(x)=(f0/100)*(gamma/2)*(x/x0)/(1+(x/x0)) gamma = 38.117 #decay rate per us f0 = 1.1 x0 = 6 fit f(x) infile1 u (factor*$2):($3/$4):(sqrt($3)/$4) yerror via f0,x0 # set ytics .1 nomirror set yrange [0:.37] set xtics nomirror set xrange[.45:2000] set label 1 at 0.69, 0.351 set label 1 "(a)" tc lt 7 set lmargin 7 set rmargin 2 set tmargin at screen 0.98 set bmargin at screen 0.15 set ylabel "Photon Detection Rate ({/Symbol m}s^{-1})" offset 1.5,0 set xlabel "Probe Power (pW)" offset 0,0.2 set logscale x plot infile1 u (factor*($2)):($3/$4):(factor*sqrt($2)):(sqrt($3)/$4) w xyerr lc 1 ps 0.9 pt 7 notitle, f(x) lw 3 lc 3 notitle # unset label 1 unset ylabel unset xlabel unset logscale x set ytics 0.2 nomirror set yrange [0:1.05] set xtics 5 nomirror set xrange[-12:12] set label 2 at -10.7, 0.995 set label 2 "(b)" tc lt 7 set tmargin at screen 0.98 set bmargin at screen 0.15 set ylabel "Normalized Intensity" offset 1.5,0 set xlabel "Cavity Detuning (MHz)" offset 0,0.2 set bars 2 plot infile2 u ($1-137.77):($2/29998.87):($3/29998.87) w yerr lc 1 ps 0.9 pt 7 notitle, infile3 u ($1-137.77):($2) w lines lw 3 lc 3 unset multiplot pause -1