set terminal postscript eps enhanced color size 8.6cm, 6cm dl 3\ font "Helvetica, 16pt" set output 'majority_versus_separation_angle.eps' set rmargin at screen 0.91 set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "black" lw 2.5 set style line 2 lt 1 lc rgb "brown" lw 2.5 set style line 3 lt 1 lc rgb "orange" lw 2.5 set style line 4 lt 1 lc rgb "#7570B3" lw 2.5 set style line 5 lt 1 lc rgb "#6495ED" lw 2.5 set style line 6 lt 1 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 2.5 set style line 7 lt 1 lc rgb "black" lw 2.5 set style line 11 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1.1 lc rgb "brown" lw 3 set style line 12 lt 1 pt 4 ps 1.1 lc rgb "orange" lw 3 set style line 13 lt 1 pt 10 ps 1.4 lc rgb "#7570B3" lw 3 set style line 14 lt 1 pt 12 ps 1.4 lc rgb "#6495ED" lw 3 set style line 15 lt 1 pt 14 ps 1.4 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set style line 16 lt 1 pt 16 ps 1.2 lc rgb "black" lw 1 unset bars set xlabel 'Angle of separation {/Symbol b} ({/Symbol \260})' set ylabel 'S_n (A, B)' offset 2,0 set label 1 "n= 1" at 14.1, 2.53 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 5 "n= 5" at 14.1, 2.3 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 9 "n= 9" at 14.1, 2.19 font "Helvetica, 16pt" # set label 13 "n=13" at 14.1, 2.13 font "Helvetica, 16pt" # set label 17 "n=17" at 14.1, 2.09 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 23 "n=23" at 14.1, 2.05 font "Helvetica, 16pt" # set label 31 "n=31" at 14.1, 2.03 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 57 "n=57" at 14.1, 1.98 font "Helvetica, 16pt" plot 2 w filledcurves x1 ls 1 lc rgb "#e0e0e0" notitle ,\ 2 w l ls 1 notitle,\ for [col=2:4] 'sim_majority.dat' using 1:col with l ls col notitle, \ 'sim_majority_2.dat' using 1:3 with l ls 5 notitle, \ 'sim_majority_2.dat' using 1:12 with l ls 6 notitle, \ 'exp_majority_M=01.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 11 notitle, \ 'exp_majority_M=05.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 12 notitle, \ 'exp_majority_M=09.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 13 notitle, \ 'exp_majority_M=23.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 14 notitle, \ 'exp_majority_M=57.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 15 notitle # '' u 1:6 with l ls 5 notitle,\ # 'sim_majority_2.dat' using 1:5 with l ls 7 notitle, \ # 'exp_majority_M=31.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 15 notitle, \ # 'exp_majority_M=13.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 14 notitle, \ # for [col=2:6] 'sim_majority.dat' using 1:col with l ls col notitle, \ set output 'parity_versus_separation_angle.eps' set rmargin at screen 0.91 unset label unset bars set xlabel 'Angle of separation {/Symbol b} ({/Symbol \260})' set ylabel 'S_n (A, B)' offset 2,0 set label 11 "n= 1" at 14.1, 2.53 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 12 "n= 5" at 14.1, 1.55 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 13 "n= 9" at 14.1, .9 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 14 "n=13" at 14.1, .55 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set label 15 "n=17" at 14.1, .3 font "Helvetica, 16pt" set yrange [0:2.6] plot 2 w filledcurves x1 ls 1 lc rgb "#e0e0e0" notitle ,\ 2 w l ls 1 notitle,\ for [col=2:6] 'sim_parity.dat' using 1:col with l ls col notitle, \ 'exp_parity_M=01.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 11 notitle, \ 'exp_parity_M=05.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 12 notitle, \ 'exp_parity_M=09.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 13 notitle, \ 'exp_parity_M=13.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 14 notitle, \ 'exp_parity_M=17.dat' u 1:(abs($2)):3 with yerrorbars ls 15 notitle