#!/usr/bin/gnuplot file = 'state_detection_2018-05-18_250ampunits.timestamp.dat.histo' set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,16" size 8.6cm, 6cm set termoption dash set output "../statereadout_histo.eps" set multiplot blue_defined = '#0078FF' set border linewidth 1.5 set xrange [-2:26] set yrange [0.78:0.86] set ytic 0.05 nomirror set xtic 10 nomirror unset xtic unset key ## top ## set tmargin at screen 0.95 set bmargin at screen 0.71 set border 14 set arrow from -2.5,0.778 to -1.5,0.782 nohead lw 1 set arrow from -2.5,0.7713 to -1.5,0.7753 nohead lw 1 set arrow from 25.5,0.778 to 26.5,0.782 nohead lw 1 set arrow from 25.5,0.7713 to 26.5,0.7753 nohead lw 1 set ylabel ' ' plot file u 1:3 w boxes lc rgb blue_defined fs solid 0.5 noborder ## btm ## set tmargin at screen 0.69 set bmargin at screen 0.18 set border 11 set yrange [0:0.17] set xtic 10 nomirror set xtic format "%g" set xlabel 'Number of photons' set ylabel 'Detection probability' offset 0,1.5 unset arrow #set label 1 sprintf("threshold") at 1.5,0.32 #set arrow from 1.5,0 to 1.5,0.2 dt 3 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 nohead plot file u 1:3 w boxes lc rgb blue_defined fs solid 0.5 noborder, file u ($1-0.5):2 w steps lc rgb 'red' lw 2 lt 1 unset multiplot unset output