#!/usr/bin/gnuplot file = 'state_detection_2018-05-18_250ampunits.timestamp.dat.histo' #f = 'rabi' f = 'rabi_2018-06-06.dat' #f0 = 'ramsey' f0 = 'ramsey_dark_2018_06_05.dat' #f1 = 'ramsey_bright' f1 = 'ramsey_bright_2018_06_05.dat' f2 = 'echo_dark_2018-06-06.dat' f3 = 'echo_bright_2018-06-06.dat' set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,16" size 8.6cm, 11cm set termoption dash set output "../state_multi.eps" set multiplot blue_defined = '#0078FF' blue_defined2 = '#0000FF' set border linewidth 1.5 ## state readout top ## set label 1 sprintf("(a)") at graph 0.9,0.6 font "Helvetica, 16" set tmargin at screen 0.97 set bmargin at screen 0.91#0.89 set xrange [-1.5:26] set yrange [79:87] set ytic 5 nomirror format "%3g" set xtic 10 nomirror unset xtic unset key set border 14 set arrow from -1.8,78.8 to -1.2,79.1 nohead lw 1 set arrow from -1.8,77.5 to -1.2,77.8 nohead lw 1 set arrow from 25.7,78.8 to 26.3,79.1 nohead lw 1 set arrow from 25.7,77.5 to 26.3,77.8 nohead lw 1 set ylabel "\n" plot file u 1:($3*100) w boxes lc rgb 'blue' fs solid 0.5 noborder ## state readout btm ## set tmargin at screen 0.90#0.883 set bmargin at screen 0.77#0.713 set border 11 set yrange [0:17] set xtic 10 nomirror set xtic format "%g" set xlabel 'Number of photons' offset 0,0.5 set ylabel "Detection\nprobability (%)" offset 0,1.5 set label 1 sprintf("threshold") at 0.9,19.5 font "Helvetica, 14" set arrow from 1.56,0 to 1.56,18 dt 3 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 nohead plot file u 1:($3*100) w boxes lc rgb 'blue' fs solid 0.5 noborder, file u ($1-0.5):($2*100) w steps lc rgb 'red' lw 2 lt 1 unset arrow ## mid - rabi ## set label 1 sprintf("(b)") at graph 0.9,0.85 font "Helvetica, 16" set tmargin at screen 0.67 set bmargin at screen 0.47 set border set xlabel "Pulse length ({/Symbol m}s)" offset 0,0.5 set ylabel "Probability\nin F=2 (%)" offset 0,0 set xrange [0:62] set yrange [0:100] set ytics 25 set xtics 15 set pointsize 0.5 unset bar a0= 0.40 t0 = 25 y0 = 0.95 tau = 600 rabi(x) = a0 - exp(-x/tau)*a0*cos(2*3.14*x/t0) + y0 fit rabi(x) f u 1:5:6 via a0,t0,y0,tau plot f u 1:(100*$5):(100*$6) w yerr pt 7 ps 1 lc rgb 'red' lw 2, rabi(x)*100 lc rgb 'red' ## btm - ramsay/echo ## set label 1 sprintf("(c)") at graph 0.9,0.9 font "Helvetica, 16" set tmargin at screen 0.38 set bmargin at screen 0.08 set border set xlabel "Free evolution time {/Symbol t} ({/Symbol m}s)" offset 0,0.5 set ylabel "Probability\nin F=2 (%)" set xrange [0:1105] #805 set yrange [0:100] set ytics 50 set xtics 200 set pointsize 0.5 unset bar a02= 0.52 b02 = -0.4 tau2 = 20 echo(x) = a02 - exp(-x**2/tau2**2)*b02 #fit echo(x) f2 u 1:5:6 via b02,tau2 a03= 0.4251+0.1126 b03 = -0.4 tau3 = 400 echo2(x) = a03 - exp(-x**2/tau3**2)*b03 fit echo2(x) f3 u (2*$1):5:6 via b03,tau3 a0= 0.40 t0 = -180 y0 = 0.15 #0.95 tau = 50 ramsey(x) = a0*(1 - exp(-x/tau) ) + y0 fit ramsey(x) f0 u 1:5:6 via a0,y0,tau #y0 = 0.52 #ramsey2(x) = a0*(1 + (x/tau)**2 )**(-1.5) + y0 #fit ramsey2(x) f0 u 1:5:6 via a0,tau set label "{/Symbol p}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t} {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p}/2" at 60,30 tc rgb 'red' font "Helvetica,14" set label "3{/Symbol p}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t} {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p}/2" at 60,75 tc rgb 'red' font "Helvetica,14" set label "3{/Symbol p}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p} {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p}/2" at 550,30 tc rgb 'blue' font "Helvetica,14" set label "{/Symbol p}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p} {/Symbol -} {/Symbol t}/2 {/Symbol -} {/Symbol p}/2" at 550,75 tc rgb 'blue' font "Helvetica,14" plot ramsey(x)*100 lc rgb 'red',\ echo2(x)*100 lc rgb 'blue',\ f1 u 1:(100*$5):(100*$6) w yerr ps 0.6 pt 5 lc rgb 'red' lw 2 not,\ f0 u 1:(100*$5):(100*$6) w yerr pt 64 lc rgb 'red' lw 2 not,\ f0 u 1:(100*$5) pt 5 lc rgb 'white' lw 1 not,\ f0 u 1:(100*$5) pt 64 lc rgb 'red' not,\ f2 u (2*$1):(100*$5):(100*$6) w yerr pt 65 lc rgb 'blue' lw 2 not,\ f2 u (2*$1):(100*$5) pt 7 lc rgb 'white' not,\ f2 u (2*$1):(100*$5) pt 65 lc rgb 'blue' not,\ f3 u (2*$1):(100*$5):(100*$6) w yerr ps 0.6 pt 7 lc rgb 'blue' lw 2 not #echo(x)*100 lc rgb blue_defined,\ unset multiplot unset output