set term eps color font "arial,12" enhanced size 8.6cm,12cm set output "sample_plots.eps" # raw data raw_data_1="30p000mA_raw.g2" raw_data_2="38p400mA_raw.g2" raw_data_3="60p000mA_raw.g2" fitted_data_1="30p000mA_fitted.dat" fitted_data_2="38p400mA_fitted.dat" fitted_data_3="60p000mA_fitted.dat" symbols_color = "#008000" set multiplot time_offset = 160 #bin number bin_size = 2 #ns # subthreshold set size 1,0.33 set origin 0,0.66 #set title "30.0 mA" set xrange [-300:300] set yrange [0.45:1.05] set format x "" #set style histogram clustered set bars large set ylabel "g^{(2X)}" set ytics format "%.2f" set label 1 "30.0mA" at -285,0.55 plot fitted_data_1 using ($1-(time_offset))*bin_size:3 with lines linetype rgb "#000000" notitle, raw_data_1 using ($1-time_offset)*bin_size:3:(sqrt($2)/$2*$3) with yerrorbars linestyle 1 ps 0 linetype rgb symbols_color notitle # near threshold set size 1,0.33 set origin 0,0.365 #set title "38.4 mA" set ylabel "g^{(2X)}" set label 1 "38.4mA" at -285,0.55 plot fitted_data_2 using ($1-(time_offset))*bin_size:3 with lines linetype rgb "#000000" notitle, raw_data_2 using ($1-time_offset)*bin_size:3:(sqrt($2)/$2*$3) with yerrorbars linestyle 1 pointsize 0 linetype rgb symbols_color notitle # above threshold set size 1,0.40 set origin 0,0 #set title "60.0 mA" set xlabel "t_{2} - t_{1} (ns)" set ylabel "g^{(2X)}" set label 1 "60.0mA" at -285,0.55 unset format x plot fitted_data_3 using ($1-(time_offset))*bin_size:3 with lines linetype rgb "#000000" notitle, raw_data_3 using ($1-time_offset)*bin_size:3:(sqrt($2)/$2*$3) with yerrorbars linestyle 1 ps 0 linetype rgb symbols_color notitle unset multiplot