set term eps color font "arial,12" enhanced size 8.6cm,5cm set output "power_vs_current.eps" # raw data power_vs_current="DFB_780_power_vs_current_coarse.dat" second_deriv_power_vs_current="DFB_780_power_vs_current_coarse_second_deriv.dat" threshold_current = 37.0 background= 1.7003634153692327e-06 #set y2tics #set ytics nomirror # subthreshold #set xrange [-100:100] #set yrange [0.45:1.05] #set format x "" #set style histogram clustered set bars large set ylabel "power (mW)" set xlabel "current (mA)" #set y2label "{/Symbol D}^{2} (power)/ {/Symbol D} (current)^{2} [mW/(mA)^2]" set ytics format "10^{%T}" set logscale y # draw dotted line for lasing threshold set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 front nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # Measured with our digital powermeters with about 1% fluctuation hence the 1% error bars #plot power_vs_current using ($1):(($2-background)*1e3):(($2-background)*10) with yerrorbars linestyle 1 linewidth 2 ps 0 linetype rgb "#808080" notitle axis x1y1, second_deriv_power_vs_current using ($1):($2*1e3):($2*10) with yerrorbars linestyle 1 pointtype 6 ps 0 linetype rgb "#BA55D3" notitle axis x1y2 #plot power_vs_current using ($1):(($2-background)*1e3) with points ps 0.2 pointtype 7 linetype rgb "#808080" notitle axis x1y1, second_deriv_power_vs_current using ($1):($2*1e3):($2*10) with points ps 0.2 pointtype 7 linetype rgb "#BA55D3" notitle axis x1y2 plot power_vs_current using ($1):(($2-background)*1e3) with points ps 0.3 pointtype 7 linetype rgb "#BA55D3" notitle