set term eps font "arial,12" enhanced size 8.6cm,12cm set output "general_trend_g2x_tau_c_rho_vs_current.eps" set multiplot set rmargin at screen 0.8 time_offset = 320 #ns threshold_current = 37.0 # g2X waterfall plot set size 1,0.35 set origin 0,0.65 set ylabel "t_{2} - t_{1} (ns)" set format x "" set tics front #set xlabel "current [mA]" set cblabel "g^{(2X)}" set xrange [0:120] set yrange [-300:300] set cbrange [0.45:1.05] set cbtics 0.5,0.1,1.05 # draw dotted line for lasing threshold set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 front nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # choice of colors set palette rgb 34,35,36 plot "current_time_g2X.dat" using 1:($2-time_offset):3 with image title "" # fraction of coherent against current set size 1,0.35 set origin 0,0.35 # set xlabel "current (mA)" set ylabel "{/Symbol r}" enhanced set xrange [0:120] set yrange [-0.05:1.05] set ytics auto set bars large plot 'rho_vs_current.dat' using 1:2:3:4 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "", '' using 1:5:6:7 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.2 linetype rgb "#FF0000" title "" # draw dotted line for lasing threshold set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 # tau c set size 1,0.4 set origin 0,0 set xlabel "current (mA)" set ylabel "{/Symbol t}_c (ns)" enhanced set xrange [0:120] set yrange [-10:370] set ytics auto set bars large unset format x plot 'tau_c_vs_current.dat' using 1:2:3 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "", '' using 1:2 with lines linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "" # plot 'tau_c_vs_current.dat' using 1:2 with lines linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "" # draw dotted line for lasing threshold set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 unset rmargin # inset finer measurement set size 0.4,0.2 set origin 0.4,0.4 unset xlabel unset ylabel set xrange [36:40] set yrange [-0.05:1.05] set ytics (0,0.5,1) set xtics (36,40) set bars large plot 'rho_vs_current_fine.dat' using 1:2:3:4 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.2 linetype rgb "#0000FF" title "", '' using 1:5:6:7 with yerr linestyle 7 ps 0.2 linetype rgb "#FF0000" title "" # draw dotted line for lasing threshold # set arrow from threshold_current, graph 0 to threshold_current, graph 1 front nohead lc rgb 'black' dt 2 unset multiplot