set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "Helvetica,20" size 15.8cm,9.5cm unset output set output "photon_sources.eps" set multiplot f_sa(x)=(7.572e-6*exp(-(x-2859)*0.03679))+6.4799e-8 f_fwm(x)=(7592.26*exp(-(x-1254)*0.07286))+95.3928 set border 3 set label 1 at -23.5,0.4 "Normalised APD counts" rotate set xlabel "time (ns)" set ylabel " " set xrange [-10:85] set yrange [0:1] set xtics nomirror set format y "%1.2f" set ytics 0.25, 0.25 nomirror set label 2 at -13.7,0 "0" set label 3 at 22,0.55 "{/Symbol t}_{s} = 27 ns" set label 4 at 3,0.15 "{/Symbol t}_{f} = 14 ns" set label 5 at 15,0.85 "Photon from a\nsingle atom" set label 6 at 45,0.5 "Heralded photon from \nfour-wave mixing" set style arrow 1 nohead lt 1 lw 2 lc rgb "black" set arrow 1 from 10,0.67 to 14,0.82 as 1 set arrow 2 from 35,0.12 to 44,0.45 as 1 set lmargin at screen 0.15 set rmargin at screen 0.97 set bmargin at screen 0.17 set tmargin at screen 0.65 plot './' u ($2-2854):($4/1.05e-5) w lp pt 6 ps 1 lc 1 notitle,\ (f_sa(x+2854)/1.05e-5) w l lt 1 lc rgb "#C90000" lw 6 notitle,\ './FWM_monitor_perp_g2.g2' u ($1-1255):($2/8000) w lp pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc rgb "blue" notitle,\ (f_fwm(x+1255)/8000) w l lt 1 lc rgb "#0D0DA3" lw 6 notitle set lmargin at screen 0.15 set rmargin at screen 0.97 set bmargin at screen 0.71 set tmargin at screen 0.97 set border 3 unset label 1 unset xlabel set format x "" set ylabel " " set yrange [0:1] #set format y "%1.0e" set ytics 0.5,0.5 nomirror #set label 4 at -9.5,0 "0" unset label 3 unset label 4 unset label 5 unset label 6 unset arrow 1 unset arrow 2 set label 7 at 5,0.7 "Excitation pulse" set style arrow 2 head filled size screen 0.010,30,0 lw 2 set arrow 3 from -7.5,0.3 to -4.5,0.3 as 2 set arrow 4 from 3,0.3 to 0,0.3 as 2 set arrow 5 from 0,0.6 to 4,0.68 as 1 set label 5 at 4,0.3 "3 ns" plot './' u ($2-2854+2.5):($5/8e-4) w lp pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc rgb "#228b22" notitle unset multiplot unset output