set encoding utf8 set terminal pdfcairo color dashed enhanced font "Helvetica,14" size 12.6cm,8cm set output 'hom_g2.pdf' #no. of triggers, used for normalising tperp=32198490; tpll=24582417; #set xlabel "Time delay t_{12}" #set xlabel "Time delay {/Symbol D}t (ns)" set xlabel "Delay between detection events {/Symbol D}t_d (ns)" offset 0,graph 0.03 set ylabel "Coincidence probability (x10^{-7})" set xtics 30 nomirror offset 0,graph 0.03 set mxtics 2 set ytics nomirror offset 0,graph 0.02 #set label 1 at -163,0 "0" #set format y "%1.1e" set bars 0 set border 3 set key at -20,23 font "Helvetica,14" set style arrow 1 nohead lt 2 lw 3 lc rgb "black" set arrow from -15,0 to -15,23 as 1 set arrow from 15,0 to 15,23 as 1 set label 1 at 50,15 "V = 0.70 ± 0.04" font "Helvetica, 18" plot [-150:150] 'processed_g2_delay_0.dat' u ($1+5):($2*1e7/tpll):(sqrt($2)*1e7/tpll) w yerrorbars lt 1 pt 6 ps 0.8 title "P_{||} , interfering",\ 'processed_g2_perp.dat' u ($1+5):($2*1e7/tperp):(sqrt($2)*1e7/tperp) w yerrorbars lt 1 pt 6 ps 0.8 lc rgb "blue" t "P_{⊥}, non-interfering",\ 'processed_g2_delay_0.dat' u ($1+5):($2*1e7/tpll):(sqrt($2)*1e7/tpll) w l lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "red" notitle,\ 'processed_g2_perp.dat' u ($1+5):($2*1e7/tperp):(sqrt($2)*1e7/tperp) w l lt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "#220000FF" notitle