set terminal wxt enhanced font "helvetica,14" #set terminal postscript eps color enhanced font "helvetica,14" #set output 'g2_plots.eps' set yrange [0:70000] set ytics 10000 nomirror set y2range [0:100] set y2tics 20 set ylabel "Coincidences for red and green points" set y2label " Conditional coincidences between signal 1 and 2 (Blue)" set xlabel "Time delay (ns)" set xtics 20 plot [-100:100] 'combined_g2_762.dat' u 1:2 notitle pt 5, 'combined_g2_762.dat' u 1:3 notitle lc rgb "#00BB00" pt 7, 'combined_g2_762.dat' u 1:(($4+$5)*700) notitle pt 9