date: 12/03/13 Description: 762 mode (signal) is split using a fiber 50/50 beam-splitter and APD counts recorded with channel 2 and 3 of timestamp. 795 clicks recorded with channel 1 of timestamp. The purpose of the experiment is to verify the single photon characteristic of 762 mode when heralded by the detection of 795 photon. G(2) between the channels 2 and 3 is performed when there is a pair within the coincidence window of 30 ns between channel 1&2 or between 1&3. Conditional g(2) is defined as (eqn.(1)) (N1*G123|G12(t))/(G12*G13(t)) + (N1*G123|G13(t))/(G13*G12(t)) where N1 - Total number of 795 clicks (singles). G12(t) - G(2) between channels 1 & 2 as a function of delay between clicks in 1 & 2 . G12 - Total coincidences between 1 & 2 within coincidence window of 30 ns. G13(t) - G(2) between channels 1 & 3 as a function of delay between clicks in 1 & 3. G13 - Total coincidences between 1 & 3 within coincidence window of 30 ns. G123|G12(t) - G(2) between channel 2 and 3 given that there is a pair between 1 & 2 within coincidence window. G123|G13(t) - G(2) between channel 2 and 3 given that there is a pair between 1 & 3 within coincidence window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plots: pairwise_g2_plots.eps - plots of G12(t), G13(t), G123|G12(t)+G123|G13(t) conditional_g2.eps - normalized conditional g(2) plot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combined_g2_762.dat: processed data file column 1 - Time delay from the arrival of 795 photon column 2 - G12(t) with a timing resolution of 2 ns obtained from g2.c column 3 - G13(t) with a timing resolution of 2 ns obtained from g2channel13.c column 4 - G123|G12 (t) obtained from conditional_g2.c column 5 - G123|G13 (t) obtained from conditional_g2.c column 6 - Error in first part of conditional g(2) (eqn (1)) column 7 - Error in second part of conditional g(2) (eqn (1)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Parameters: MOT Optical density ~ 32 780 pump power = 425 uW 776 pump power = 3.7 mW