#!/usr/bin/gnuplot infile1 = 'histo_no_th.dat' infile2 = 'histo_bi.dat' set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,23" size 20cm, 9cm set output "hist.eps" set termoption dash ################################# ####### ####GENERAL SETTINGS#### set border linewidth 1.5 set samples 5000 set multiplot set pointsize 1.5 unset bar unset key set style fill solid 0.3 noborder ########################### ##### ONESIDE SPEC ##### #first cycle set xrange [0:190] set yrange [0:38000] set ytics 10000 nomirror set xtics 50 nomirror out offset 0,0.2 set ylabel 'Occurences' # offset 0,1 set xlabel 'Photons' offset 0,0.7 set title "\nFirst probe cycle" set lmargin at screen 0.15 set rmargin at screen 0.40 set label 1 sprintf("(a)") at graph -0.1,1.1 font "Helvetica, 24" plot infile1 u 1:($11) lc -1 with boxes , '' u 1:($10) lt 1 lc rgb 'black' lw 3 with steps #second probe set lmargin at screen 0.42 set rmargin at screen 0.67 unset ylabel set ytics format " " set title "\n Second probe cycle" set arrow from 70,0 to 70,33000 lt 3 lc rgb 'black' lw 4 nohead set arrow from 70,25000 to 30,25000 lc rgb 'black' lw 1 set arrow from 70,26000 to 110,26000 lc rgb 'black' lw 1 set label 1 sprintf("(b)") at graph -0.1,1.1 font "Helvetica, 24" set label 2 "threshold" at graph 0.2,0.925 set label 3 "keep" at graph 0.13,0.612 set label 4 "discard" at graph 0.39,0.74 plot infile1 u 1:($13) lc -1 with boxes , '' u 1:($12) lt 1 lc rgb 'black' lw 3 with steps set lmargin at screen 0.73 set rmargin at screen 0.98 unset arrow unset label set title "First probe cycle\nconditioned on second cycle" set ytics format "%g" set yrange [0:190] set ytics 50 nomirror set label 1 sprintf("(c)") at graph -0.15,1.1 font "Helvetica, 24" plot infile2 u 1:($7) lc -1 with boxes , '' u 1:($6) lt 1 lc rgb 'black' lw 3 with steps unset multiplot unset output