% This file was created with JabRef 2.10b2. % Encoding: UTF-8 @Article{Kurtsiefer2001, Title = {The breakdown flash of silicon avalanche photodiodes-back door for eavesdropper attacks?}, Author = {Kurtsiefer, Christian and Zarda, Patrick and Mayer, Sonja and Weinfurter, Harald}, Journal = {Journal of Modern Optics}, Year = {2001}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {13}, Pages = {2039–2047}, Volume = {48}, __markedentry = {[yicheng:]}, Doi = {10.1080/09500340108240905}, ISSN = {1362-3044}, Owner = {yicheng}, Publisher = {Informa UK Limited}, Timestamp = {2017.05.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500340108240905} } @Article{Marini2016, Title = {Breakdown Flash at Telecom Wavelengths in Direct Bandgap Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiodes}, Author = {Marini, Loris and Camphausen, Robin and Xiong, Chunle and Eggleton, Benjamin and Palomba, Stefano}, Journal = {Photonics and Fiber Technology 2016 (ACOFT, BGPP, NP)}, Year = {2016}, __markedentry = {[yicheng:6]}, Doi = {10.1364/acoft.2016.aw5c.4}, ISBN = {http://id.crossref.org/isbn/978-1-943580-17-0}, Owner = {yicheng}, Publisher = {OSA}, Timestamp = {2017.05.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/ACOFT.2016.AW5C.4} }