Dear Editor, We first would like to thank the referees for their careful reading of the manuscript, and the constructive remarks to improve it. In the following, we address the points raised by the referees. Reply to the first referee: "To leave a final remark: in Fig. 5 now all temperaturas are K, and not a single symbol appears for the \mu K temperatures." Our reply: The same concern is also raised by the second referee. We have modified the font type for the \mu Symbol in Figures 5 and 6 to a more common Arial font. Reply to the second referee: 1. "The formatting of \mu in the Figures now shows up as a rectangular box icon in my PDF viewer, and should be fixed before publication." Our reply: The same concern is also raised by the first referee. We have modified the font type for the \mu Symbol in Figures 5 and 6 to a more common Arial font. 2. "Small typo: in the Appendix, “By refering the two Rabi frequencies…” should be changed to “By referring to the two Rabi frequencies…”=" Our reply: The typo has been fixed. With this, we hope to have addressed all point indicated by the referees.