REFEREE REPORT(S): Referee: 2 COMMENTS TO THE AUTHOR(S) The authors have successfully addressed most of my concerns. In particular, my suggestion that the apparent (2,2,2^n) nature of their inequality requires a FSSO analysis paradigm is reasonably well refuted by the author’s explanation that their approach “includes the realization part already in its definition,” and in this sense inequality (9) can be applicable to a (2,2,2) scenario. The rewrite of Section 2 is an improvement over previous drafts, though not quite as extensive as I had been hoping. I therefore have only two remaining comments. While the first comment in particular represents a serious remaining concern of mine, I expect both comments can be addressed with a small amount of rewriting. If the authors are amenable to a minor revision addressing these comments, it is likely that I would recommend the revised paper for publication, as I believe that the paper is correct (modulo the comments below) and the results are novel and interesting. C1). I still believe that Figure 1 and the model it suggests are problematic. This is because the paradigm of Figure 1 admits reasonable local models for which the uniform complexity assumption is false. Thus if one sees data violating (6), one could cite these models as a reason for rejecting uniform complexity (UC) instead of local realism (see the last sentence of Section 2, where this choice is made explicit) without having to concede that anything strange or noteworthy is going on in the experiment. Here is a concrete example of a Figure 1 type model not satisfying uniform complexity. Alice’s machine contains a program \Lambda for which 1) if the first settings input is a0, the readout for the rest of the experiment is 000000000... regardless of future settings 2) if the first settings input is a1, the readout for the rest of the experiment is a random (or pseudorandom) string with a 50-50 probability distribution over 0 and 1, independently of future settings. Suppose that Bob’s machine does exactly the same thing as Alice’s. Now consider what happens with respect to the uniform complexity definition in the last paragraph of Section 2. A) For experiments that start with an a0 for both Alice and Bob (25% of all experiments), all complexities K are very low (just enough information to say “print N zeros”). B) For experiments that start with a1 for both Alice and Bob (25% of all experiments), all complexities will be large, of order N with high probability. I don’t claim that this model violates (9), but this is irrelevant to the larger point, and in any case it’s possible that a more creative example might actually violate (9) with high probability. An important characteristic of the preceding example is that the UTMs have trial-to trial memory. We can consider more basic local models, i.i.d. ones where each output bit is governed locally by a (p,1-p) distribution, where p can be different for the two different setting choices for Alice, and again for Bob, but the four p’s stay the same trial to trial. This encompasses the entire class of i.i.d. local hidden variable models that are usually assumed in the standard analysis of a basic CHSH experiment. Such models DO obey uniform complexity (with high probability). So the author’s paradigm of (9) with the UC assumption covers the “usual” case, and probably covers additional reasonable paradigms (for instance a FSSO experiment, but I accept that the authors do not want to pursue this idea). But uniform complexity does not cover the full richness of what is suggested by Figure 1, as exemplified by the example above. The authors seem to want to keep Figure 1. I can accept that if they are willing to add some sentences proximal to the last paragraph of Section 2 (where uniform complexity is introduced). These sentences must 1) point out that not all models obeying the UTM paradigm appearing Figure 1 will obey UC, which could be well addressed by describing a counterexample like the one above, and 2) nevertheless motivate UC by explaining that it at least covers the local i.i.d case, so the class of rejected models is at least as large as that already rejected by a standard CHSH analysis. On a related but less crucial note, the authors should probably mention the uniform complexity assumption again in Section 7 (Discussion). C2). I think I finally understand Section 3.1, which was giving me some trouble previously. I just have a few additional minor questions about this section. First, it is said that “Inequality (5) becomes an entropic Bell inequality if local entropies are maximal, H(x)=H(y)=N.” Is it true that the local entropies are maximal if and only if all binary random variables have a 50-50 distribution? This would be a rather restricted case, failing to encompass many i.i.d. local models. While this is not a problem per se, it might ease possible confusion to acknowledge this. On a related point, the current paper seems to restrict the measurement configurations to coplanar measurements separated by angles of theta, theta, theta, and 3 theta when trying to maximize (6), and cites [2] as a justification for such a restriction. But since (6) does not reduce to the inequality of [2] (except for the local-entropy-maximal case), this doesn’t seem like sufficient justification for reducing the search space for maximizing (6) in the current paper. So it would be good to add a sentence or two fleshing out why we look at only measurement angles satisfying this constraint when trying to maximize (6) – even if the only reason was that such configurations have an appealing symmetric character. (My concern is one of clarity and exposition, not that I think the search space needed to be bigger.) There are also a few typos and grammatical errors: page 2 line 22, “using the conditional Shannon entropy”; page 2 eq. (1) check the subscripts; page 3 line 24 perhaps remove the comma after “instead”; page 3 line 33-35 one occurrence of the word “to” is redundant, p 5 line 35-45 it would be helpful to specify i,j \in {0,1} here, see also p 11 line 20-30; page 6 line 17 I think you mean eq (1) not eq (5). COMMENTS FROM EDITORIAL BOARD: Associate Editor Comments to the Author: Please revise your manuscript a final time to address the outstanding points of Referee 2.