Dear Editor, we would like to respond to the editorial decision on lack of suitability for publication in Physical Review Letters of our manuscript XD10067L on probing the quantum-classical boundary with a compression software. First, we appreciate the detailed comments at the editorial level, as they helped us to hopefully improve the manuscript (we updated the corresponding files in the submission system), but would like to contest the assertions presented in the initial review that led to a rejection from even sending the manuscript out to reviewers. Let us start with the main problem you identified, namely that we did not present a convincing case that this measure of quantumness is superior to others (we believe you refer, apart from a Bell test, to the many measures presented that assess entanglement). The major difference to the measure we present compared to most of the others we are aware of is a non-statistical approach; this means, we do not require the assumption of independent identical distributions in an ensemble of realizations we observe, but we look at the distribution as a whole. We would consider an assessment method that requires less assumptions as superior, although we made no and do not whish to make a judging comparison to others. To perhaps make this more clear, we now also mention the absence of i.i.d. both in the description of a statistical approach, and in the summarizing discussion at the end of the manuscript. We do believe this is a significant step, and it holds in a somewhat staple experiment on measurement of entangled photon pairs. The novelty of this approach certainly was convincing enough to inspire work by others (see Wolf, arxiv:1505:07037 ) already from the arxive version of the manuscript; there, Stefan Wolf presented a viewpoint on non-locality that does not even require counterfactual reasoning. We do believe we carried out the suggested careful review of existing literature, and found most relevant work on entropic Bell inequalities that seem to cover a similar ground, and we believe we cite them accordingly (work by Fuchs, Braunstein, Caves; our references 7,14 in the new manuscript version). Although we don't know what existing literature reference the comment was meant to address, we believe the large body of work on entanglement measures like entanglement of formation, tangle, offer quantitative measures, but do not really remove one of the basic assumptions. We therefore feel that we at least would like to know if we missed a major development. A generalization to more complex states, although interesting and already explored by colleagues who work on such systems, seems a bit of an odd requirement for the introduction of a new concept in a manuscript. We now like to address the other issues raised in the editorial response. First, the comment on the Church-Turing hypothesis, and our reference to controversial work of Stephen Wolfram (old reference 7). The point we want to make in this work does actually not require big interpretations about the meaning of simulatability of different systems, and we certainly do not want to sell a hypothesis as a proof. The mentioning of these ideas were merely there to hint at a discussion in perhaps a similar spirit. We did remove the controversial reference, and stick now to a strict statement of facts. As it was probably distracting and perhaps putting the work in a light we did not intend, we also removed the comment (and associated discussion) on complexity classes P,NP in the summarizing sections of the old manuscript, as we just used them to indicate that perhaps a wider view of complexity of systems would be a worthy endeavor. We also believe that we did not make a claim that our experimental observation supports the hypothesis that the compression method is a universal tool. However, within the limits we explicitly state (mostly that the Kolmogorov complexity can be reasonably well approximated by the compressibility of a data set), we stand by our claim that the data at hand violates the inequality we present, and hence can not be reproduced by local Universal Turing Machines. We do believe that, if this method works also for other physical systems, it would offer an interesting alternative, but did not and do not make a general claim. We reformulated the concluding paragraph to make this even more explicit than it was before. In summary, we feel that the main criticism expressed in the editorial assessment was perhaps triggered by us not making these points clear enough, and hope that we have addressed them better with the revised manuscript. We feel that the idea of compressibility as a measure of non-classicality of a system has potential of opening a new field in physics (as one of the criteria for a paper to be considered for publication in PRL ) - first indications are works that make already references to our work, and colleagues trying to use these methods to assess more complex quantum systems in atomic physics. The presented method is superior to existing ones we are aware of in the sense that it does not require an i.i.d. assumption. We therefore would like to ask you to reconsider the updated manuscript as a publication in Physical Review Letters. If you feel that the changes we made to introduction and summary in this manuscript were substantial enough to warrant a new submission rather than an update of the existing one, please do let us know. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer