# set terminal postscript eps enhanced color size 8.6cm, 6cm dl 3 font "Helvetica, 16pt" # set terminal x11 # set terminal postscript eps enhanced color dl 3 font "Helvetica, 16pt" # set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color dl 3 font "Helvetica, 22pt" # set output 'spectra.pdf' set style line 1 lc rgb '#A10000' lw 3 pt 7 ps 1 # red set style line 2 lc rgb '#0061DE' lw 3 pt 6 ps 1 # blue set style line 3 lc rgb '#004B4B' lw 3 pt 7 ps 1 # red unset key unset bars set ytics nomirror # remove top and right axis tics set xtics nomirror set border 1+2 back # remove borders top and aright set lmargin screen 0.15 # g(2) plots # set yrange [0:5] set xrange [-50:50] set ytics 0, 5, 10 set yrange [0:10] set xtics -50, 10, 50 set xlabel 'Detuning (MHz)' set ylabel 'Coincidence rate (s^{-1})' filter(x,min,max) = (x > min && x < max) ? x : 1/0 set style fill transparent solid 0.35 noborder set style arrow 4 head filled size screen 0.03,15 ls 2 set arrow from 10, 5 to 0, 4 arrowstyle 4 lc rgb '#A10000' set arrow from 20, 2.8 to 10, 1.8 arrowstyle 4 lc rgb '#0061DE' set label 1 "compressed spectrum" at 11, 5 #font "{,}" set label 2 "initial spectrum" at 21, 2.8 #font "{,}" plot 'data/data_spectrum_initial_photon.csv' using (filter($1, -11, 11)):2 with filledcurves x1 ls 2, \ #'data/data_spectrum_compressed_photon.csv' using (filter($1, -5, 5)):2 with filledcurves x1 ls 1, \ #'data/data_spectrum_compressed_photon.csv' u 1:2:3 with yerror ls 1, \ 'data/data_spectrum_initial_photon.csv' u 1:2:3 with yerror ls 2, \ #'data/theory_spectrum_compressed_photon.csv' u 1:2 with lines ls 1, \ 'data/theory_spectrum_initial_photon.csv' u 1:2 with lines ls 2 set terminal postscript eps enhanced color dl 3 font "Helvetica, 22pt" set output 'spectra_poster.eps' replot set terminal pdf enhanced color size 17.2cm, 10cm dl 3 font "Helvetica, 22pt" set output 'output_poster.pdf' replot