2photon transition pumps are coming out of the same fiber 780nm pump: Power 0.258 mW Horizontal polarization optical mode: collimated with Thorlabs A375 aspheric 55MHz blue detuned 776nm pump: Optical power 11.4 mW vertical polariziaons optical mode: collimated with Thorlabs A375 aspheric ~5MHz blue detuned Photons are collected in 2 different fibers: 795nm photon collection: Horizontal polarzations Thorlabs C230 Collection lens 762nm photon collection: all polarzations Thorlabs C230 Collection lens Experimental pattern: clock 100 MHz sequential new 0 0 80 us 0 8; # cooling beam, 780 repump 1 us 4 31; # nothing 20 us 2 4 6 10 14 31; # 780 pump, 776 pump, 762 APD Signal, 795 APD Idler 1 us 8 31; .