#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt' size 8.6cm, 6cm dl .5 unset bars unset key set output 'g2.eps' # set palette load 'paired.pal' set multiplot o1 = -6636598.876041992 o2 = -6636599.089844113 o3 = -6636573.631719951 r1 = 63.76698800828308 r2 = 114.25485535804182 r3 = 114.2662843791768 top_margin = 0.05 bottom_margin = top_margin + 0.1 dist_between_plots = 0.05 plot_height = (1 - top_margin - bottom_margin - 2*dist_between_plots)/3 set tmargin at screen 1 - top_margin set label 1 "(a)" at screen 0.15, 1 - top_margin - 0.05 set label 2 "L = L' = L_o" at screen 0.9, 1 - top_margin - 0.05 right set bmargin at screen 1 - top_margin - plot_height set xtics nomirror; set ytics nomirror range_Dt = 200 set xrange [- range_Dt/2: range_Dt/2] set ytics 1000 set yrange [0: 1300] set ylabel' ' #offset 1 set format y '%.0s%c' # zero line # set arrow from 0,0 to 0,4800 nohead lw 1 dt '.' # set arrow from 0,o2-o1 to 0,4800 nohead lw 1 dt '.' # set key title "Fiber length" samplen 0 # set key title samplen 0 # fit_lw = 2 point_sz = .5 # arr_d = '-' # fib1_a=-8.416 # fib1_b=8.416 # fib1_y=5300 # set arrow from fib1_a,fib1_y to fib1_b,fib1_y ls 1 lw fit_lw heads # set arrow from fib1_a,0 to fib1_a,fib1_y ls 1 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set arrow from fib1_b,0 to fib1_b,fib1_y ls 1 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set label ' 1.7m' at fib1_b-10, fib1_y + 150 # fib2_a=-33.615 # fib2_b=33.615 # fib2_y=4100 # set arrow from fib2_a,fib2_y to fib2_b,fib2_y ls 3 lw fit_lw heads # set arrow from fib2_a,0 to fib2_a,fib2_y ls 3 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set arrow from fib2_b,0 to fib2_b,fib2_y ls 3 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set label ' 6.7m' at fib2_b, fib2_y + 150 # fib3_a=-157.682 # fib3_b=157.682 # fib3_y=3300 # set arrow from fib3_a,fib3_y to fib3_b,fib3_y ls 5 lw fit_lw heads # set arrow from fib3_a,0 to fib3_a,fib3_y ls 5 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set arrow from fib3_b,0 to fib3_b,fib3_y ls 5 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set label '31.7m' at fib3_b - 80, fib3_y + 200 # fib4_a=-255.546 # fib4_b=255.546 # fib4_y=2500 # set arrow from fib4_a,fib4_y to fib4_b,fib4_y ls 7 lw fit_lw heads # set arrow from fib4_a,0 to fib4_a,fib4_y ls 7 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set arrow from fib4_b,0 to fib4_b,fib4_y ls 7 lw fit_lw dt arr_d nohead # set label '51.7m' at fib4_b - 80, fib4_y + 200 # plot [- range_Dt/2: range_Dt/2]\ # 'fibre_00m_data.dat' u (($1-mean_offset)):2 every 10 ls 2 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title " 1.7m", \ # 'fibre_05m_data.dat' u (($1-mean_offset)):2 every 10 ls 4 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title " 6.7m", \ # 'fibre_30m_data.dat' u (($1-mean_offset)):2 every 10 ls 6 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title "31.7m", \ # 'fibre_50m_data.dat' u (($1-mean_offset)):2 every 10 ls 8 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title "51.7m", \ set xtics auto set xtics format ' ' plot [- range_Dt/2: range_Dt/2]\ 'g2_set0.dat' u (($1-o1)):2 every 10 ls 2 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title "L = L' = L_o" set tmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots set label 3 "(b)" at screen 0.15, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 set label 4 "L = L' = (L_o+5)" at screen 0.9, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 right set bmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height set xtics auto set xtics format ' ' set ylabel'Normalized correlation g^{(2)}' offset -0.5 plot [- range_Dt/2: range_Dt/2]\ 'g2_set1.dat' u (($1-o1)):2 every 10 ls 2 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title "L = L' = (L_o+5)" set tmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height-dist_between_plots set label 5 "(c)" at screen 0.15, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 set label 6 "L = (L_o+10), L' = L_o" at screen 0.9, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 right set bmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height set ytics 2000 set yrange [0: 3000] set ylabel' ' #offset 1 plot [- range_Dt/2: range_Dt/2]\ 'g2_set2.dat' u (($1-o1)):2 every 10 ls 6 lw 1 pt 6 ps point_sz title "L = (L_o+10), L' = L_o" set xtics format '%g' set xlabel "{/Symbol t} - {/Symbol d}_{o} (ns)" offset 0, 0.3 replot