#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt' size 8.6cm, 6cm dl .5 # set terminal epslatex color dashed standalone size 8.5cm,7cm # set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt' size 17cm, 12cm dl .5 # set encoding utf8 # mean_offset = 410035.24218755 # mean_std = 0.010297970354205651 # point_sz = 0.7 # data_f = 'offset_rtt_18secperpt.dat' min_offset = -6636599.08186139 # mean_std = 6.7136e-3 point_sz = 0.9 data_f = 'offset_rtt_40_4_10.dat' set output 'offsets.eps' set multiplot set lmargin at screen 0.13 set tmargin at screen 0.85 set bmargin at screen 0.505 set ytics 25 set yrange [-5:30] # labels set ylabel '{/Symbol d} - ~{/Symbol d_{ o}} (ns)' offset 1.1, 0 set label 1 '(a)' at screen 0.15, 0.79 set label 2 '(b)' at screen 0.15, 0.32 set label 3 'L = L{/Symbol \242} = L_o' at 3, 33 center set label 4 'L = L{/Symbol \242} = (L_o+5)' at 11, 33 center set label 5 'L = (L_o+10), L{/Symbol \242} = L_o' at 20.5, 33 center set xrange [-1:25.5] set xtics auto set xtics format ' ' set ytics format '% 4g' # set style rect fc lt -1 fs solid 0.15 noborder # set obj rect from -1, graph 0 to 6.5, graph 1 set arrow from 6.5,graph(0,0) to 6.5,graph(1,1) nohead ls -1 dt "-" set arrow from 15.5,graph(0,0) to 15.5,graph(1,1) nohead ls -1 dt "-" plot data_f using ($0):(($8-min_offset)) notitle with points pt 6 ps point_sz lc rgb "black" set tmargin at screen 0.485 set bmargin at screen 0.14 set xlabel "Block" offset 0, 0.4 set ylabel '{/Symbol D}T (ns)' offset 1.1, 0 set ytics 50 set yrange [40:140] set xtics format '%g' unset label 3 unset label 4 unset label 5 plot data_f using ($0):($3) notitle with points pt 6 ps point_sz lc rgb "red" replot