#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,18" size 8.6cm, 6cm #set terminal epslatex color set output "fig4.eps" ################################# ####### ####GENERAL SETTINGS#### set border linewidth 1.5 set samples 5000 set multiplot #set bar 2 unset bar unset key #set style fill solid 0.3 noborder ########################### ##### ##### unset key #unset xtics #unset xlabel #unset ytics #unset ylabel unset key set border 15 #set tmargin at screen 0.53 set bmargin at screen 0.18 set lmargin at screen 0.15 #set rmargin at screen 0.95 f0 = 'data/LG210_mm_111.dat' f1 = 'data/LG210_mm_121.dat' #f2 = 'data/LG210_mm_123.dat' set ytics 0.2 nomirror format "%g" set xtics 200 nomirror set yrange [0:0.5] set xrange [-1000:200] set xlabel 'cavity detuning (2{/Symbol p} MHz)' set ylabel 'mode transmission' unset label unset title unset grid set key top right plot f0 using 1:2 with lines lw 3 lc 'red' title 'uniform dist (case 1)', f1 using 1:2 with lines lw 3 lc 'blue' title 'double LG_{10} content (case 2)'#, f2 using 1:2 with lines lw 3 lc 'green' title '' #################################