reset set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,18" size 8.6cm, 12cm set output "fig4abc.eps" set termoption dash f1 = 'p30_p.txt' f3= 'cc1.txt' f2 = 'm30_p.txt' set border linewidth 1.5 set multiplot set samples 5000 unset bar unset key set style fill solid 0.3 noborder set tmargin at screen 0.37 set bmargin at screen 0.1 set lmargin at screen 0.21 set rmargin at screen 0.9 set label 1 "c)" at graph -0.3,1.0 set label 4 "d = -183 nm" at graph 0.05,0.93 set pointsize 1 set xlabel 'cavity detuning (MHz)' set ylabel 'transmission (%)' set yrange [0:50] set xrange [-150:100] set ytics 10 nomirror format "%g" set xtics 50 nomirror set bar 1 lorentz_T(x) = T0 / ( 4*( (x-x0) / (gamma0) )**2 + 1 ) + T1 / ( 4*( (x-x1) / (gamma1) )**2 + 1 )-Tbg lorentz_T_1p(x) = T0 / ( 4*( (x-x0) / (gamma0) )**2 + 1 ) -Tbg T0=40 Tbg=10 gamma0=15 x0=1 fit [-100:100] lorentz_T_1p(x) f3 u 1:(100*$2) via x0,gamma0,T0,Tbg set label 2 "unstable \n mode" at graph 0.05,0.43 set label 5 " {/Symbol g_{1}} = 60.7(1) MHz" at graph 0.4,0.4 plot f3 using 1:($2*100) w l lt 2 lw 4 lc rgb "red",(lorentz_T_1p(x+x0)) dashtype 3 lc rgb "black" lw 4 not #set yrange [0:50] set tmargin at screen 0.67 set bmargin at screen 0.4 set label 1 "b)" at graph -0.3,1.0 set label 2 "LG_{00}" at graph 0.09,0.45 set label 4 "d = 207 nm" at graph 0.05,0.93 set ytics 10 nomirror format "%g" set xtics 50 nomirror unset xlabel unset xtics set ylabel 'transmission (%)' T0=40 Tbg=10 gamma0=15 x0=1 x1=-70 T1=10 gamma1=15 fit [-100:100] lorentz_T(x) f1 u 1:(100*$2) via x0, gamma0,T0,Tbg,x1,T1,gamma1 set label 5 " {/Symbol g_{1}} = 22.55(6) MHz" at graph 0.4,0.93 plot f1 using 1:($2*100) w l lt 2 lw 4 lc rgb "red",(lorentz_T(x+x0)) dashtype 3 lc rgb "black" lw 4 not set tmargin at screen 0.97 set bmargin at screen 0.7 lorentz_T(x) = T0 / ( 4*( (x-x0) / (gamma0) )**2 + 1 ) + T1 / ( 4*( (x-x1) / (gamma1) )**2 + 1 )-Tbg T0=40 Tbg=10 gamma0=15 x0=1 x1=-70 T1=10 gamma1=15 fit [-100:100] lorentz_T(x) f2 u 1:(100*$2) via x0, gamma0,T0,Tbg,x1,T1,gamma1 #set arrow from 0, graph 0 to 3, graph 0 nohead #set arrow from 0, graph 0 to 0, graph 1 nohead dt 2 #set arrow from -62, graph 0 to -62, graph 1 nohead dt 2 #set arrow from 0,45, graph 0 to -62,45, graph 1 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black" heads set style line 1 lt 2 lc rgb "black" lw 3 set label 1 "a)" at graph -0.3,1.0 set label 2 "LG_{01}" at graph 0.09,0.5 set label 3 "LG_{00}" at graph 0.28,0.5 set label 4 "d = 597 nm" at graph 0.05,0.93 set label 5 " {/Symbol g_{1}} = 22.43(5) MHz" at graph 0.4,0.93 set label 6 "{/Symbol g_{2}} = 21.8(1) MHz" at graph 0.09,0.27 plot f2 using 1:($2*100) w l lt 2 lw 4 lc rgb "red",(lorentz_T(x+x0)) dashtype 3 lc rgb "black" lw 4