#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,22" size 10cm,10cm set output "nsplit_reflection.eps" set border linewidth 1.5 set border 3 f1 = 'dat/R_atom' f2 = 'dat/fit_R_atom' f3 = 'dat/R_woatom' f4 = 'dat/fit_R_woatom' set ytics 10 nomirror format "%g" set xtics 50 nomirror set xrange [-70:120] set yrange [20:35] set xlabel 'rel. probe frequency(MHz)' set ylabel 'probe reflection (cts/ms)' unset title unset grid unset key plot f1 using 1:2:3 w yerr pt 7 ps 1.0 lc rgb "red", f2 using 1:2 with l lw 3 lc rgb "red",\ f3 using 1:2:3 w yerr pt 7 lc rgb "blue",f4 using 1:2 with l lw 3 lc rgb "blue" #unset output #pause -1