---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Referee A -- LF16076/Nguyen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The paper "Single atom coupled to a near-concentric cavity" present the coupling of single atom randomly loaded from a MOT into a dipole trap to the mode of near-concentric cavity. Near concentric cavities have the advantage to have a very small waist at the center of the mode, allowing the authors to get a coupling g0 on the order of 1.7 times the natural decay rate of the atom. Although this is impressive, the cavity itself is very lossy (with a linewidth on the order of 100 MHz), and the final cooperativity is C~0.08, which has already been achieved in the context of near concentric cavity. As a result, I do not believe the paper in this present form should be published in PRL. I have a few questions: - Formulae (3): it is not clear how the value of \Delta n is measured. Is it a guess to fit l_cav? It seems to me that 1044 or 1042 would work as well. How did you determine \nu_780 and \nu_810? With which precision do you know their values? - Figure 3: How is determined the threshold? To what correspond the event at 1 s? - Finally, even after the averaging over the CB coefficients, the expected value of g0 is still larger than what is measured. Can you comment on that? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Referee B -- LF16076/Nguyen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Experiments in which single atoms are coupled to optical cavities have achieved strong atom-photon coupling, that is, a coupling rate faster than the decay rates of the atom and the cavity field, using highly reflective mirrors and short cavities. In contrast, in this manuscript, the authors achieve a high coupling rate (though not yet in the strong coupling regime) by using a near-concentric cavity, less than 2 microns from instability, coupled to single Rb atoms. This approach is promising because it obviates the need for expensive, customized mirror coatings, and because it may be easier to trap, image, and manipulate atoms in longer cavities. I find the experimental results presented in the manuscript interesting, but it's also clear from the manuscript that there are serious costs to this implementation. The authors found that the cavity mirrors needed to be re-aligned in situ every 15 minutes, a substantial experimental constraint. Furthermore, the mirror losses in their current system are quite high, rendering the system not suitable for many cavity-QED experiments, but with a higher finesse (as suggested at the end of the manuscript), wouldn't the system be even more sensitive to misalignment? The authors also suggest the a factor of 10 improvement in the distance from the concentric threshold might be possible, but they don't elaborate on how this could be achieved. In short, given the limitations of this approach, it's not clear to me that it represents a significant advance in the field. Other points: - I have a concern about the measurement of the cavity length, as it is claimed in both the abstract and in the manuscript that this is determined with error bars of 10 nm (!). However, the radius of curvature of the mirrors is stated as 5.5 mm, with no error bars given. Certainly there are error bars inherent in the mirror polishing, which should then play a role in the determination of l_cav and its uncertainty? - 1st page, 1st paragraph: "by coupling atoms (or other quantum emitter)" - emitter should be plural - 1st page, 2nd paragraph: The mode volume is introduced but not defined. It is particularly important to define the mode volume clearly in this paper because in the case of near-concentric cavities (or any cavity where the length is not much shorter than the mirror radii of curvature), the relevant parameter in the coupling strength is not the actual mode volume but, as the authors mention in the same paragraph, the effective mode volume. - 1st page, 2nd paragraph: "A cavity is concentric when the separation of the two mirrors l_cav..." Strictly speaking, the relevant length is not just the mirror separation but also takes into account penetration of the cavity field into the mirror coatings; see, e.g., the discussion in Ref. 20. - 1st page, 4th paragraph: A concentric cavity is described as being "marginally stable." It might be also worth mentioning that the spot size on the mirrors would have to be infinite. - 2nd page, 2nd paragraph: I'm confused about why the reflection measurement is disregarded in determining the cavity linewidth. I understand that using the transmission value is a worst case, but shouldn't the error bar at least reflect the two measurements? - 3rd page, 1st paragraph: "From the low frequency of loading events we infer that the probability of simultaneously loading two atoms in the center region of the trap to be negligible." This statement ought to be made more quantitative. What is the loading frequency? What is the estimated two-atom rate? Also, why is the inferred survival probability in Fig. 3b 75% at time t=0? What role is the motion (temperature) of the atoms understood to play in these measurements? What about the registration of the FORT with respect to the cavity? - 4th page, 2nd paragraph: "for a clean two-level atom" - perhaps the authors could be more precise about what they mean by "clean" - There seems to be some mix-up among citations 27-29. Presumably 27 and 28 belong to the Rydberg atom example and 27 to ions.