Dear Editor, please find enclosed our manuscript on "Single atoms coupled to a near-concentric cavity". While strong interaction between single atoms and single photons by means of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity-QED) is well established and has been applied in many important proof-of-principle experiments over the last two decades, such experiments stayed very demanding due to the use of very small optical resonators of high finesse. Despite its wide promise for quantum infomation processing purposes, this hindered widespread experimental adoption in atomic physics. In this work, we present an alternative approach to implement cavity-QED by coupling the atom to a concentric cavity, providing the large electric field for strong atom-light interaction in a tight focus. Such an approach has recently gained renewed interest in the experimental community, and may even help to make cavity-QED possible for species like ions and Rydberg atoms, which are inherently difficult to place in cavities leading to strong coupling. The experimental work presented in this manuscript marks only the beginning of this technique, as the parameters like cavity finesse (we have about 138) are still far away from what is technically possible, and could open many atom-photon experiments in the strong coupling regime in the optical domain. Therefore, we feel that the manuscript could be interesting to the audience of Physical Review Letters. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer