Dear Dr. Narducci, thank you for your invitation to consider our manuscript LF16076 as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review A. We would be happy to transfer the manuscript to PRA, and are grateful for the constructive comments of the reviewers as well. We modified the manuscript to address the comments of the referee B brought up in the second round of review, as outlined below. With this, we are looking forward for your reply. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer -- Piont-to-point reply: Referee B: - In Figs. 3 and 4, the x axis is labeled simply as "detuning." It should be made clear in either the axis label or the caption (or both) that this is the detuning of the probe laser frequency from the cavity. Reply: We clarified that we scan the laser frequency by including a statement in the caption of Fig. 2, and added the corresponding symbol in the axis label in Fig. 2 and 4. ------------------- Referee B: - In the conclusion, it is stated that only in very short fiber cavities have ratios of g to gamma significantly larger than 1.7 been demonstrated (by Reichel and colleagues). In Hood et al., Science 487, 1447 (2000), for a very short cavity which is not a fiber cavity, this ratio is 110 to 2.6. Reply: We included the reference [26] and modified the statement in the conclusion. "Only in very short (few tens of micrometer long) cavities, significantly larger values of g_0/gamma have been demonstrated [26, 27]."